本文关键词: 宝兴阳光 旅游项目 风险管理 风险评价 对策 出处:《中国海洋大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of the economy and society, the living standard of the people in our country has been remarkably improved, and the demand for the tourism market has further increased, which to a large extent has also promoted the rapid development of the tourism industry in our country. To a large extent, this has led to the upsurge in the construction of tourism development projects throughout the country. However, due to the characteristics of tourism projects, the construction period is relatively long and the amount of investment is relatively large. Moreover, the whole process of development is full of many uncertain factors, resulting in the high risk of tourism development projects. As investors in tourism development projects, if they can not have a clear understanding of these risks, If it is not possible to take active and effective measures to identify and control these risks, it will inevitably result in a continuous accumulation of investment risks, resulting in the failure to achieve the expected objectives of investment. It may even lead to the failure of investment in tourism development projects. Compared with ordinary tourism development projects, the characteristics of the tourism development projects at Baoxing Sunshine Resort Farm are more prominent, and the risk points are more complex. The importance of risk management to the project is also more obvious. Therefore, how to fully understand and effectively carry out the research of project risk management and how to use effective risk management methods and means to effectively reduce the risk of tourism development project in Baoxing Sunshine Resort Farm, In this paper, the author first analyzes the risk existing in the development process of Baoxing Sunshine Resort Farm, starting from the characteristics of the tourism development project of Baoxing Sunshine Resort Farm, which is an important prerequisite and foundation for avoiding risk, transferring risk and achieving the expected goal. Through the method of scoring by experts, it has been determined that the project has certain risks in the four major aspects of management, economy, politics and society, and in 15 specific aspects, such as industrial development, public facilities, transportation, public security, industry, etc. On this basis, the risk evaluation index system of the tourism development project of Baoxing Sunshine Resort Farm is constructed. Then, the comprehensive evaluation of the project risk based on the fuzzy grey comprehensive evaluation method is used. It is concluded that the tourism development project of Baoxing Sunshine Resort Farm is at a medium risk level. Finally, according to the evaluation results of the project, from concept, organization, collection and collation, In the aspects of early warning system construction and working mechanism, the paper puts forward the investment risk management planning strategy of the tourism development project of Baoxing Sunshine Resort Farm. At the same time, according to the different risk levels, the first and second levels, In order to minimize the risk loss in the process of project development and ensure the success rate of project development, the three levels of risk are put forward respectively.
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