本文关键词: 东莞市 现代农业 建设 出处:《仲恺农业工程学院》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Dongguan was once a big agricultural county and one of the main grain production bases in Guangdong. With the development of reform and opening up, Dongguan City has rapidly developed into a famous international manufacturing city. In the process of industrialization and urbanization, agricultural land has been continuously reduced. The rural labor force is constantly shifting to the second and third industries, the supply of agricultural products needed by the people in their daily lives is insufficient, and environmental pollution also has a great impact on food safety. The development of traditional agriculture to modern agriculture has become an important part of the Dongguan economy. However, there are still many problems in the process of promoting the construction of modern agriculture, which must be taken seriously and solved. On the basis of synthesizing the research of many scholars, this paper systematically studies and analyzes the modern agriculture, which is based on the basic characteristics of modern agriculture. On the basis of relevant theories and technologies, through consulting literature, field investigation, comparative analysis and practical research, the author synthesizes domestic and foreign research status and development experience. This paper probes into the problems existing in the construction of modern agriculture in Dongguan City. Guided by the spirit of the first text of the Central Committee and guided by the market, the paper sums up the direction of the construction of modern agriculture in Dongguan City. From the perspective of scientific planning of the modern agricultural park, Some suggestions are put forward for developing modern agriculture in Dongguan, such as strengthening infrastructure construction, building quality projects, developing leading enterprises, completing safety system and promoting technology popularization.
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