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发布时间:2018-02-27 19:53

  本文关键词: 一体化 杭州粮食物流中心 发展战略 出处:《浙江工业大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:At present, the state is vigorously promoting the development of the modern grain logistics center, which is a new type of business that has emerged in the modern logistics industry in recent years and an important means for the development of the modern grain industry in China. It is an important channel for improving grain logistics. In recent years, the Hangzhou Grain Logistics Center has developed rapidly under the guidance of the national and local governments' strong grain policy. However, it is still unable to adapt to the fierce market competition and the requirement of grain circulation modernization. Therefore, to study the development strategy of Hangzhou grain logistics center based on integration is to improve its grain circulation efficiency. It is of great significance to reduce the grain circulation cost, to promote the modernization of Hangzhou grain logistics center and to ensure the food security in Hangzhou. This paper is based on modern grain logistics theory, integration theory and strategic environment analysis theory. This paper analyzes the present situation and trend of grain logistics research at home and abroad, studies the development situation of Hangzhou grain logistics center, and applies EFE IFE matrix analysis method to the opportunities and threats existing in the internal and external environment of Hangzhou grain logistics center. The advantages and disadvantages are analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively, and combined with the SWOT analysis method, the development strategy frame is determined, and the curve regression is used. Three models, time series analysis and grey forecast, are used to predict the grain and oil trading volume of Hangzhou grain logistics center. Finally, the development strategy of Hangzhou grain logistics center based on integration is discussed. The key internal and external factors that influence the development of Hangzhou grain logistics center are put forward, and the growth strategy of opportunity type is put forward, the grey forecasting model has high reliability, and the future grain trading volume is forecasted. This paper provides the basis for the implementation of the integrated development strategy, clarifies the overall strategy and the sub-enterprise strategy of the development strategy of Hangzhou grain logistics center based on integration, and analyzes emphatically the integration of production and marketing, the integration of resources, the integration of logistics information, the integration of production and marketing, and the integration of logistics information. There are six strategies, such as the integration of talent team, the "four scattered" and the scientific and technological innovation, and the policy support for the implementation of the strategy is put forward. The conclusions of this paper can provide practical guidance and suggestions for the development of Hangzhou Grain Logistics Center. It can also promote the healthy and orderly development of modern grain logistics park in China.


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