本文选题:农业科技 切入点:技术创新 出处:《管理评论》2017年09期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:In this paper, through the construction of agricultural science and technology "technical knowledge" innovation and development of the evaluation index system, based on the panel data of 2006-2014 years, coupled with analysis of 4 big areas of our country coordination model, 31 provincial units, 334 municipal level technology innovation and knowledge innovation level of development, and the coordinated development of the temporal and spatial coupling system the distribution characteristics of agricultural science and technology innovation. The study found that the overall system efficiency is rising, but the "technical knowledge" and the gradual expansion of the gap between the interaction of instability; there are significant regional differences, coordination between the eastern central and Western coupling, and northeast respectively show synergistic, antagonistic, running, low level characteristics of regional coordinated development the gap may be further expanded. The analysis of system coupling coordination pattern under different spatial scales, is helpful to deepen the understanding of the development trend of agricultural science and technology innovation of our country, for different levels The government's decision-making on agricultural science and technology provides basic data and decision-making basis.
【作者单位】: 中央财经大学政府管理学院;北京理工大学管理与经济学院;
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