本文选题:农产品初级加工 切入点:原产地 出处:《中国农业资源与区划》2016年11期
[Abstract]:The primary processing of agricultural products belongs to the middle process from field to table. The waste generation and emission characteristics have not been thoroughly studied. The research adopts the method of combining literature research with field investigation. The present situation of the primary processing of vegetables after harvest and the characteristics of waste generation in China were studied. The yield of vegetables in China was the first in the world, the form of vegetable processing products was relatively single, the main products were primary processing of origin, and the products were mostly primary processed pallet vegetables. There are fewer manufacturers of fresh-cut vegetables and freeze-dried vegetables. The wastes from the primary processing process of vegetables are huge, resulting in great environmental pressure. By investigating typical pallet dishes and fresh-cut vegetable processing sites in the suburbs of Shanghai, It was found that the main loss of post-harvest processing of vegetables was sorting and cold storage. The fresh cut vegetables changed the structure of vegetables, resulting in increased respiration, easy deterioration of vegetables, and shortened the preservation time, especially in leafy vegetables. The highest loss rate can reach 60% in summer, and the CODcr content of vegetable waste exudate reaches 1. 5%.
【作者单位】: 上海市环境科学研究院农村生态研究所;
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