本文选题:家庭农场 切入点:现代农业经营体系 出处:《吉林财经大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The concept of "family farm" was first formally proposed in the first document of the Central Committee in 2013.Family farms have a deep theoretical foundation.Marx and Engels thought that it was necessary to change the technical and social conditions of labor process so as to change the mode of production itself in order to improve the labor force.Lewis showed that family farms had the advantage of being more industrious and sophisticated than large-scale farms.Yuichiro Suzuki believes that the labor force among family members can work hard without supervision and is a source of remarkable flexibility and vitality for family farms.Schultz believes that traditional agriculture must be transformed to become the source of economic development.The development of family farm in our country first experienced the farmer's land ownership to make the tiller have farmland, then carried out the development mode of people's commune, and finally carried out the family decentralized management and the household contract responsibility system of unified division and combination.With the development of economy and the improvement of agricultural management mode, the third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee in 2014 insisted on the basic position of family management in agriculture.The development of family farms meets the requirements of the development of productive forces and the development trend of the modern agricultural system in the world. It is beneficial to intensive management of agriculture, and can obtain economies of scale and scope management and promote the transformation of farmers.At the present stage, family farms in China have formed five typical models, namely, Shanghai Songjiang, Hubei Wuhan, Jilin Yanbian, Zhejiang Ningbo, Anhui Langxi, but there are problems in land circulation and low scientific and technological levels.The imperfect service system, the difficulty of financing and the poor management ability restrict the healthy development of family farms in China.The development of family farms in our country draws lessons from the development model of large farms in the United States, the development experience of specialized farms in France, the achievements of the development of small farms in Japan, and the rejection of a series of systemic and non-systematic problems existing in the development of agriculture in China.Go out a road that accords with Chinese contemporary national condition and farming condition family farm moderate scale management.From the theoretical research and practical experience at home and abroad, this paper explores the development path of Chinese family farm.Land privatization is not a necessary condition for the development of family farms in China. It is necessary to develop a family farm with the combination of corporate farm and collective ownership farm.Keep small farmer production, do not deny family management, this will be a long-term line.In terms of concrete measures, we should strengthen the supporting service institutions of family farms, improve the level of mechanization, modernization and specialization of agriculture, strengthen the government support and implement policies, and constantly improve the quality of production operators on this basis.To solve the financing and insurance dilemma, to promote the level of agricultural technology.
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