本文选题:土地调整 切入点:村庄政治 引自:《华南农业大学学报(社会科学版)》2017年01期
[Abstract]:Based on the inherent resource attribute, social attribute and system attribute of rural land, land adjustment is not only the practice of collective property right renewal, but also the production practice of village politics.In the process of land adjustment, the dialectical process of organization mobilization, contradiction activation and "balance account" endows the village with the ability to resolve contradictions and reach order independently, and the village politics realizes the unity of form and content.And then form a benign interaction with national politics.However, the national land rights regulation and control guided by "confirmed right" negates the practice space of collective land system, gradually erodes the political kernel of villages, collapses village politics, and turns a large number of contradictions within villages into problems through "petition".The relationship between village politics and national politics is gradually out of balance, and grass-roots governance falls into deep predicament.Therefore, village politics is the foundation of villager autonomy and good governance at the grass-roots level, and the key to retrieving village politics is to reshape the power of collective adjustment of land and perfect the system of collective land.
【作者单位】: 华中科技大学中国乡村治理研究中心;
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