本文选题:整体性治理 + 宅基地流转 ; 参考:《广西大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the development of economy and society in China, the government is committed to promoting the construction of urban-rural integration and reducing the gap between urban and rural areas.Among them, land as one of the basic factors of production has played a more and more important role.On the one hand, soaring demand for urban construction land has led to extremely high housing prices, making it difficult for low-income groups in cities to find a place to stay; on the other hand, farmers are eager and actively integrated into the city.With the increasing number of migrant workers in the countryside, the problem of "one family with more houses", "hollow village" and other homestead is out of order or inefficient.Under the influence of many factors, the contradiction between the two sides is becoming more and more intense, which makes the circulation of rural homestead become an inevitable trend.However, within the existing legal framework of our country, peasants are only allowed to circulate houses on the homestead within the collective.Therefore, in addition to the unified collection by the government, farmers can only increase their property income through private "invisible circulation", which is not conducive to safeguarding their own legitimate rights and interests, nor to the unified management of the government and the collective.The original intention of the homestead system is to give farmers the lowest basic survival guarantee, but due to the change of the economic and social development stage,Both farmers and the government began to focus on how to play the homestead property function and increase farmers' property income.In view of this, this paper selects the holistic governance theory put forward by the western scholar Hicks as the theoretical tool, and attempts to analyze a series of problems and the causes of the homestead circulation through the analysis angle of the government governance schema.On the basis of clear guiding principle, the paper puts forward some policy suggestions on integrated management of homestead circulation.After referring to the domestic and foreign scholars' research results, combined with the existing laws and policies related to the homestead transfer, this paper firstly defines the concept from the theoretical level, and analyzes the relationship between the Homestead transfer and the holistic governance.And combed the historical evolution of homestead circulation in China, and then discussed the internal and external causes leading to homestead transfer.Then take the Jiangxia District of Wuhan City as an empirical research area and obtain first-hand information by means of questionnaires and field visits, supplemented by the statistics yearbooks, statistical bulletins, and other second-hand materials of the Jiangxia District Government and the National Land Bureau.Using descriptive analysis method, the paper analyzes the relationship between different influencing factors and the results caused by the intuitionistic chart, and selects four representative typical models in the pilot reform of homestead circulation to learn from the experience.Finally, combined with the theory of holistic governance, this paper puts forward the policy recommendations for the circulation of residential land in Jiangxia District from the following six aspects: demand-oriented, laws and regulations, government duty orientation, information platform construction, intermediary service organization and supporting system.
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