本文选题:供给侧 + 结构性改革 ; 参考:《中国农业资源与区划》2017年07期
[Abstract]:[objective] with the "twelve consecutive increases" of grain production in China, the main contradiction of domestic agricultural production has gradually changed from the total quantity shortage to the structural contradiction, among which the contradiction facing the corn industry is especially prominent.The adjustment of maize industrial structure is the primary task of agricultural supply-side structural reform in China.Sichuan is not only an important province of corn production, but also a big province of corn consumption. How to promote the supply-side structural reform of maize industry and realize the industrial transformation and development still need to be considered.[methods] the characteristics of supply side of Sichuan corn industry were analyzed from four angles of supply and demand balance, supply structure, supply benefit and supply efficiency.Three aspects of socialized service and industrial chain are analyzed, which influence the development of maize industry in Sichuan.[results] the consumption structure of maize in Sichuan was changed from ration consumption to feed consumption and industrial processing consumption. The herbivorous animal husbandry developed rapidly, the demand for forage crops increased, and the support of agricultural science and technology was obvious.The achievements of maize breeding are outstanding.[conclusion] it is suggested that the transformation and upgrading of Sichuan maize industry should be promoted from the aspects of optimizing the variety structure, promoting breeding cycle, cultivating new management subjects and expanding the industrial chain.
【作者单位】: 四川农业大学管理学院;四川省农村发展研究中心;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金青年项目“基于合作社平台的农业技术供需对接机制研究——以四川省为例”(71303168);国家自然科学基金面上项目“合作社农业职业经理人形成机制、决策行为与政策优化研究”(71673195) 成都市软科学项目“成都市农业职业经理人培育机制优化研究”(2015-RK00-00178-ZF)
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