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发布时间:2018-04-28 02:30

  本文选题:农民 + 市民化 ; 参考:《山东农业大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The citizenization of the peasants is a relatively new formulation. It is one of the measures to transfer the surplus labor force in the countryside at present. It is an effective means to promote the process of urbanization. It is also an important embodiment of the integration of urban and rural areas. This paper takes Daiyue District of Tai'an as an example to discuss the problem of farmers' citizenization. Through this typical example of Daiyue District, the problem of the citizenization demand after farmers' "non farming" is discussed. The main conclusions of this paper include the following points: (1) in recent years, the new rural labor force in Daiyue district has been transferred to 106 thousand and 700 people, and the farmers' non-agricultural employment income is constantly being paid. With the development of economy, small scale agricultural production is difficult to cope with all kinds of urban competition, so developing scale management is the inevitable choice to realize agricultural modernization. (2) research and development in the field: the lower wages and prices of migrant workers, the cost of living, and the cost of living In addition, the high quality requirements, frequent vocational training, traditional small farmers' thought and nostalgic psychology, the self-confidence of migrant workers are seriously frustrated, and the emotional fluctuations of anxiety, impatience and depression are gradually formed, and the stability and income of work are now in the Daiyue district. The employment of migrant workers in the city has become a long-term and stable trend of development; the monthly average wages of migrant workers are mostly between 1500 yuan and 3500 yuan; in the field of job acquisition, the current employment channels of migrant workers are mainly dependent on the original social network; if they are willing to fall in the city, 45.6% are willing to settle in the city, and 23% express their reluctance. 31.4% means "not necessarily, to see the situation", and to analyze the reasons for whether migrant workers are willing to settle down. (3) the work experience of the farmers' Citizenization in Daiyue mainly includes the implementation of the employment priority strategy, the expansion of employment channels, the increase of fund support, the promotion of independent entrepreneurship, the overall promotion of the employment of college graduates and the implementation of the employment aid for the difficult personnel. Help plan and strengthen the employment service and management of migrant workers' employment. (4) the specific problems in the process of farmers' Citizenization in Daiyue District include: there are great differences in the current urban and rural policies, the disequilibrium of urban and rural public resources allocation, the lack of policy publicity, the low overall quality of the agricultural transfer population and the low level of migrant workers' income. (5) promote the agriculture of the rural areas. The countermeasures and suggestions mainly include: strengthening policy support, actively doing a good job of migrant workers' employment, improving the income of migrant workers, implementing a fair housing policy, perfecting the social security system, ensuring the legitimate rights and interests of migrant workers, promoting the overall quality of farmers, safeguarding their legitimate consciousness, and effectively solving the problems of their children's education. And speed up the social pace of migrant workers' integration into the city.



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