本文选题:城镇化 + 土地流转 ; 参考:《广东财经大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:It is an indisputable fact that the rural collective construction land has been transferred through the hidden market for many years, which reflects the urgent demand of the market for collective construction land. In the "decision of the CPC Central Committee on comprehensively deepening the Reform of several important issues" (hereinafter referred to as "the decision"), the third Plenary session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China put forward the policy of land system reform, which requires "allowing the transfer and leasing of land for the collective management of rural construction," Equity, the implementation of the same as the state-owned land market, the same right at the same price. " The introduction of the policy shows that the state in order to adapt to the new situation, change the conservative attitude to support the collective management of construction land flow into the market. Under the background of accelerating urbanization, the research on the circulation of rural collective construction land must also keep pace with the times. From discussing the necessity of circulation in the past to studying how to implement and guarantee the construction land for collective management to realize the smooth circulation. Through understanding and discovering problems, analyzing the context of problems and solving problems, this paper discusses how to reform the land system from the angle of the top-level design of the national legal system. How to perfect the system to ensure the smooth circulation of the use right of collective management construction land. This paper is divided into four parts: the first part is the definition of relevant concepts and the interpretation of basic theory. First of all, it defines the collective construction land and collective operating construction land from the concept and attribute, and then analyzes the reasonable factors that the collective operating construction land is suitable for entering the market. The second part is about the practice of the rural collective construction land transfer pilot. This paper mainly lists the practical effects of Nanhai City, Wuhu City, Anhui Province, Chengdu City, Chongqing City and Beijing Municipality, and analyzes the local laws and regulations governing the circulation of collective construction land. The third part is the analysis of the legal problems faced by the rural collective construction land circulation. This part summarizes the legal problems existing in the circulation of collective construction land under the existing land system, and explains the legal obstacles caused by these legal problems and the negative effects of these obstacles. The fourth part puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to perfect the land legal system. Combined with the institutional legal obstacles brought by the current land system, this paper puts forward legislative suggestions from two aspects: perfecting the legal system and constructing the legal system. This part mainly from consummates the legal system and the concrete measure starts, proposes the solution question systematic plan.
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