本文选题:土地利用 + 规划 ; 参考:《农业工程学报》2017年04期
【摘要】:为了解决土地利用总体规划中划定城市开发边界问题,该文研究了基于约束性元胞自动机(cellular automata,CA)模型的城市开发边界划定方法,以辅助规划方案的编制。将CA模型与城市发展适宜性、规划指标约束、发展空间约束等相结合,在Arc GIS系统平台上,利用Python语言实现了城市开发边界划定系统工具。基于河南省巩义市中心城区2005和2010年2期数据,模拟了2015年的城市边界,并与2015年真实数据对比验证。结果表明,城市发展总规模和新增建设占用耕地规模均不超设定的规模指标2 865.92和282.80 hm~2;新增用地在空间上避让了基本农田等限制区,达到了空间限制性要求;以城市土地利用适宜性为转换规则,体现了规划的"上下结合"原则;城市用地模拟精度总体达到93.09%,Kappa系数90.41%。该方法可用于土地利用总体规划中划定城市开发边界,为规划方案的制定提供辅助决策支持。
[Abstract]:In order to solve the problem of delineating the boundary of urban development in the overall land use planning, this paper studies the method of boundary demarcation of urban development based on the constrained cellular automata (CA) model to assist the planning scheme. The CA model is combined with the city development suitability, the planning index constraint, the development space constraint and so on. On the Arc GIS system platform, the Python language is used to realize the urban development boundary demarcation system tool. Based on the data of 2005 and 2010 in the central district of Gongyi City, Henan Province, the urban boundary in 2015 was simulated and compared with the real data in 2015. The results show that the total scale of urban development and the scale of new construction occupied cultivated land are not more than the set scale index of 2 865.92 and 282.80 hmm2, and the new land can avoid the basic farmland and other restricted areas in space and meet the spatial restriction requirement. Taking the suitability of urban land use as the conversion rule, the principle of "combination of upper and lower levels" is embodied in the planning, and the precision of urban land use simulation is 93.09 and the Kappa coefficient is 90.41. This method can be used to delineate the boundary of urban development in the overall land use planning and to provide auxiliary decision support for the formulation of the planning scheme.
【作者单位】: 河南农业大学资源与环境学院;河南省国土资源科学研究院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(41501189) 河南省教育厅科技攻关项目(14B630002)
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