本文选题:农民分化 + 土地流转 ; 参考:《安徽农业大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Under the new situation, China's rural economy has been developing rapidly, a large number of surplus rural labor force has been transferred to cities and towns, and there is a phenomenon of concurrent employment in rural areas of China. At the same time, as the most key factor of agricultural production, land began to sublet, subcontract and abandon. Under the new situation, peasants have been divided into pure peasants, part-time peasants, pure peasants and some non-peasants who have left their homes completely. Accordingly, the land contracted by traditional farmers has begun to circulate, and new type of professional peasants have emerged in the vast rural areas. Such as family farms, professional large, leading agricultural enterprises and farmers cooperatives. Two important factors of production, agricultural labor force and land, need to be reintegrated. The new agricultural management main body is born, and the traditional family contract management system is challenged. Therefore, this article takes Anhui Province as the research object, uses the comparative analysis and the demonstration analysis method, carries on the thorough research to the farmer differentiation, the land circulation and the new agricultural management main body. In order to provide policy advice for the cultivation mechanism of new agricultural management main body and promote the development of modern agriculture. On the basis of relevant research, the article makes the following exploration: firstly, it analyzes the current situation and characteristics of the farmers' differentiation, land circulation and the new agricultural management in Anhui Province; secondly, it analyzes the characteristics of the farmers' differentiation, land circulation and the new agricultural management subjects in Anhui Province. Analyze the "internal and external" environmental model of the development of the new agricultural management; third, use the field survey data of Anhui Province, analyze the current situation of land circulation under the degree of farmers' differentiation, and carry on the difference analysis; fourth, Empirical analysis of the impact of farmer differentiation on land circulation and new agricultural management of the main factors. It is found that the two major rural phenomena of peasant differentiation and land circulation are the important external environment for the birth and development of new agricultural management subjects. First of all, the traditional farmers prefer to retain the traditional pattern of agricultural management, most of the part-time farmers have the will to transfer land, Anhui Province land transfer is not sufficient. Secondly, the scale of concurrent-industry farmers to land is small, professional farmers want to transfer to land, and the scale of land transfer is larger. Finally, the economic differentiation of farmers directly affects the willingness and behavior of land circulation, and the proportion of non-agricultural income is inversely proportional to the dependence of farmers on land. 3) the degree of differentiation of farmers affects the behavior and scale of land circulation. The higher the degree of differentiation of farmers, the higher the possibility of land transfer, the larger the area of transfer, the smaller the area of transfer. 4) the main body of agricultural management is affected by the differentiation of farmers and the circulation of land. The higher the degree of farmer differentiation, the higher the possibility of becoming non-farmer and dual-concurrently farmer. The larger the existing land area, the higher the possibility of becoming a traditional farmer, a concurrently farmer and a professional farmer. The desire to transfer out of the land has a negative influence on the traditional farmers and one-by-one farmers, and the variables of the desire to transfer to the land have a significant positive impact on the traditional peasants and one-by-one farmers. Based on the conclusion of the study, the paper finally puts forward the corresponding policy recommendations.
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