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发布时间:2018-06-16 12:27

  本文选题:土地利用 + 生态风险 ; 参考:《广西师范学院》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Land is the material basis for the survival and development of human beings. With the expansion of the breadth and depth of human activities, the destruction of the ecological environment of land is becoming more and more serious. The Beibu Gulf Economic Zone in Guangxi is in the key period of development. The ecological environment of the land is also related to the sustainable development of the region. The evaluation is of great significance to the effective improvement of the ecological environment and the determination of the system policy, the rational allocation of land resources, the promotion of social harmony and stability, and the realization of regional sustainable development. The four cities of Nanning, Beihai, Qinzhou and Fangchenggang in the Beibu Gulf Economic Zone of Guangxi are the research areas, and the land use of the Beibu Gulf Economic Zone of Guangxi is analyzed. On the basis of the change of time and space, the evaluation index system was constructed from the source of risk, risk receptor and risk response, and the ecological risk of land use in the Beibu Gulf Economic Zone of Guangxi was evaluated by fuzzy comprehensive evaluation. The results showed that: (1) the change of land use types in the Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone was relatively stable in 1995-2015 years, and the soil and County Soil in each district. The areas in which the comprehensive dynamic degree is less than 2%. are mainly in Nanning, coastal areas and eastern regions; cultivated land is mainly cultivated land, forest and grassland and construction land. The area of cultivated land is largely reduced, mainly to forest grassland and construction land, and the area of construction land is greatly increased, mainly from cultivated land and forest grassland. The area of forest and grassland is increasing, the main source of the increase is arable land; the change of water and unused land is relatively small. (2) in 1995, the ecological risk grade of Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone was mainly low risk grade, Wuming County, Longan County, Mashan County, Shanglin County, Hengxian, Qinzhou City District, Lingshan County, Pubei County, Fangchenggang City District, In Si county, Dongxing city is low risk area, Nanning City District, Binyang county and Hepu county are middle risk area, Beihai city district is high risk area, there is no low risk area and high risk area. In general, the ecological environment of the economic zone is less damaged, the ecological system structure is relatively complete, and the land ecological condition is in good.2015 year land. The use of the ecological risk grade is mainly low risk grade and middle risk grade, the lower risk grade is Wuming County, Hengxian, Qinzhou City District, Lingshan County, Pubei County, Fangchenggang city district and Shangxian County, and the middle risk grade has Nanning City District, Longan County, Mashan County, Shanglin County, Binyang County, Hepu County, Dongxing city. 7 districts and counties; the higher risk area is Beihai municipal district. (3) from the change of ecological risk grade, from 1995 to 2015, the ecological risk level of Nanning municipal district, Wuming County, Binyang County, Hengxian, Hepu County, Qinzhou City District, Lingshan County, Pubei County, Fangchenggang city district and Shangsi county have no change, and the ecological environment is more stable; Longan County, The ecological risk grade of Mashan County, Shanglin county and Dongxing city all increased from low risk to moderate risk. Only the ecological risk grade of Beihai municipal district fell from high risk grade to high risk. From the value of ecological risk, the ecological risk values of other districts and counties all increased in 1995-2015 years, except Beihai City District and Hepu county. The ecological environment is deteriorating. (4) based on the results of land use dynamics and ecological risk assessment, the relationship between the change value of ecological risk and the dynamic degree of land use is analyzed. The results show that the change value of ecological risk has a positive correlation with the dynamic degree of land use, that is, the greater the change of land use, the more the change of ecological risk value is. Based on the above results, it is suggested that during the development of the Beibu Gulf Economic Zone in Guangxi, we should strengthen the guidance and restraint of various planning to development, strengthen the dynamic monitoring of land use, strictly implement the policy of cultivated land protection, alleviate the risk of regional land carrying capacity through a moderate population control policy, and further improve the public's ecological environment protection. It will promote the sustainable utilization of regional land resources and the healthy and orderly development of the region.


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