本文选题:土地管理 + 建设用地指标 ; 参考:《中国土地科学》2017年07期
[Abstract]:The purpose of this paper is to set up the evaluation system and method of index allocation of construction land in the district (county) based on the contribution of economic growth and the fairness of population land use, and to make an example analysis in Nanjing to provide some ideas and suggestions for improving the allocation of index of construction land in different regions. Methods: C-D production function, coordination degree analysis, comparative analysis. The results are as follows: (1) the contribution of construction land expansion to Nanjing's economic growth from 2006 to 2014 is significantly lower than that of fixed capital and labor force. (2) there are significant differences in the contribution of construction land expansion to economic growth in different regions (counties), and the over-allocation and insufficient allocation of construction land indicators coexist. The allocation efficiency of inter-regional construction land allocation is large. (3) from the total resident population and the total amount of construction land, there is a higher fairness in the distribution of construction land between regions. However, the relationship between population urbanization and the rate of land urbanization indicates that the fairness of land allocation needs to be improved. The conclusions are as follows: (1) the allocation of land for construction should take into account the development stage and main function orientation of different regions, and the economic efficiency and regional fairness should be taken into account; (2) price competition and performance competition should be introduced to improve the effect of index allocation of construction land in different regions.
【作者单位】: 南京农业大学中国土地问题研究中心;南京市国土资源局;
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