本文选题:资源枯竭矿区 + 土地再开发 ; 参考:《中国矿业大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Because of the depletion of mineral resources, a large number of industrial land is in low efficiency and waste. The framework system of saving and intensive land use system is put forward at the national level. The land redevelopment of the exhausted mining area has gradually become a major measure to implement the concept of "innovation, coordination, green, open and sharing" and the solution of resource constraints in the exhausted mining area. How to reinvigorate the stock of land resources as an active and effective supplement to the urban construction land has become the focus of research. However, the institutional constraints of the redevelopment of industrial land use not only affect the effective release of land use potential, but also aggravate the constraint of land nature. The institutional problems of land redevelopment by domestic scholars The analysis is not thorough enough and needs to be further deepened. This study adopts the system and method of institutional economics to analyze the system of the redevelopment of the stock land in our country, clarify its constraints, and design the innovation system, which has important theoretical and practical value for the redevelopment of China's industrial land. (1) first of all, it is based on profit. The stakeholder theory, based on the subject, object and intermediary connotation of interest, constructs a resource exhausted mining area redevelopment demand system based on "stakeholder stakeholder activity carrier - stakeholder activity content", and points out the specific contents of the three parties respectively, and thinks that the model of mixed organization is the most suitable. The essence of the conflict of interests lies in the contention of the value of the right to land development. The dynamic mechanism of the land redevelopment of the mining area comes from the adjustment of urban function and industrial structure, the transformation and development of enterprises, the display of the value of land. (2) the mode of redevelopment of the redevelopment of the redevelopment of the stock land in China can be found and the mode of redevelopment can be found through the system. From the characteristics of government led to the market mechanism, the main body of the original property rights to participate in the distribution of value-added income distribution become a trend; and mining land allocation, authorized management, transfer and other land ways coexist, different land mode corresponding to the right, property rights transfer mode is different, the second development faces different obstacles, the key problems of RE development are mainly reflected. The withdrawal of coal enterprises and the entry of the new market main body; according to the analysis and comparison, the reason and essence of the land redevelopment system constraints in the mining area are analyzed, and the defects system problems are pointed out, such as property rights transfer system, land development right ownership, value-added income distribution system and so on. (3) from the macro and micro two perspectives, the system is analyzed. On the micro level, the central government and local government, local government and coal enterprises, local governments and developers have conflict with the distribution of value-added income, information acquisition, development conditions, and the macro level, the government leading and market mechanism, Redevelopment path and examination and approval system, property rights disposal and bidding hang, value-added exclusive and benefit sharing, the conflict between mining ownership and land property rights, is also the most essential reason for the conflict of system supply and demand. (4) based on the game of interest groups under institutional constraints, the general game analysis framework of institutional evolution is used to construct the central government. The government, the local government - the 22 game model of the coal enterprise, analyzes the strategy choice of the stakeholders and the system evolution path under different conditions, explains the internal mechanism of the change of the land redevelopment system in our country, and optimizes the land reopening system in the exhausted mining area for the direction and the theoretical basis, and then improves the land of the mining area. The maneuverability of the re development. (5) to select the redevelopment of the stock land of the ancient book Academy in Jincheng, which has relatively high land redevelopment efficiency in the exhausted mining area, and to analyze the policy constraints caused by the land system on the redevelopment of the stock land of ancient academies, and the redevelopment practice of the ancient academy and the optimization of the research system. The high character has proved the application value of the research results.
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