本文选题:乡村人地关系 + 江都区 ; 参考:《华中科技大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:At present, there are some problems in urbanization, such as "land urbanization" and "semi-urbanization", and the rapid development of rural economy and society, at the same time, there are still some problems in intensive economy and utilization of land. Therefore, the country puts forward the new urbanization development strategy. On the one hand, it hopes to realize the transformation from "land urbanization" to "human urbanization", "semi-urbanization" to "complete urbanization"; on the other hand, it hopes to realize intensive and economical utilization of land. The key to these two "realization" lies in the "population" and "land" in the countryside. From the point of view of dialectical theory, "man" and "land" can not be separated from each other. Therefore, it is of great significance to pay attention to the study of the relationship between man and land in rural areas. For a long time, the stable participants in rural economic and social affairs are the rural labor force, the carrier of rural social and economic activities is collective land, and both constitute the basic elements of rural economic and social activities. Therefore, in the relationship between rural people and land, the relationship between rural labor force and collective land use is the core and an important breakthrough for us to understand the development of rural economy and society. In this paper, the county administrative unit, which plays an important role in the social and economic development of our country and the coordinated development of regional urban and rural areas, has the characteristics of macroscopic, meso and microcosmic, and the county level administrative unit is chosen as the research scope, which belongs to the developed eastern region in the traditional sense. However, the Jiangdu District of Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province, which is similar to the underdeveloped counties in the central and western regions in terms of spatial characteristics, is selected as the research sample, and the rural labor force, collective land use and their relationship are selected as the research objects. The purpose of this paper is to comprehensively analyze the changing characteristics of the relationship between rural labor force and collective land use in Jiangdu District, in order to provide scientific basis for the choice of new urbanization path, rural development and planning in Jiangdu District. It also provides important reference for related research in other regions. This paper takes Jiangdu District as the research sample, starts with the rural labor force data of 2000 to 2013, and starts with the four issues of collective land use data in 2010 and 2013, with the help of ArcGIS10.2 software platform. This paper quantitatively studies the general characteristics of rural labor force and collective land use in Jiangdu area since 2000s, and puts forward three relations between rural labor force and collective land use, including dependence, quantity and space. Then it evaluates the relationship between rural people and land from two aspects of coordination and variability, and interprets the characteristics of the relationship of rural people and land, and puts forward four basic characteristics: agglomeration, axial belt, radiative, scattered point; Then it analyzes the influencing factors of the relationship between rural people and land, and finally discusses the significance and role of the study on the relationship between rural labor force and collective land use in the perspective of planning from the perspective of new urbanization path, rural development and rural planning.
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