[Abstract]:It is of great practical significance to carry out the research on optimizing the distribution of rural residential areas for intensive use of land resources and reconstruction of the landscape pattern of villages. This paper selects Hebao Town of Rongchang District of Chongqing as the research area, taking the "symbiotic patch" of rural residential area as the research unit, and studies the strategy and direction of optimizing the layout of rural residential area based on the coordination idea of "Sansheng Space". The results show that: (1) the establishment of "symbiotic patch" in rural residential areas based on symbiotic relationship is more in line with the actual situation of hilly areas. The number of patches in rural residential areas less than 50 m apart was reduced from 2 584 to 1 047, which realized the integration of patches in rural residential areas with symbiotic relationship. (2) according to the coordination concept of "Sansheng space", The level of "symbiotic patch" in rural residential area is evaluated. The pattern of "symbiotic patch" in space is different from inside to outside. According to patch grade, patch scale, space coordination degree of Sansheng, urban planning, "urbanization, key construction," Scale control, migration and amalgamation. (3) the dominant patches in the key construction residential areas are taken as the occurrence elements, and the weighted Voronoi map is generated, which can guide the spatial pattern of rural residential areas in the whole town to be rationalized. The study holds that the organic combination of the coordination idea of "three students' space" and the spatial analysis tools not only completes the optimization of the distribution of rural settlements, but also maintains the stability of its spatial structure, which is helpful to the realization of rural transformation and the inheritance of local culture.
【作者单位】: 西南大学资源环境学院;
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