[Abstract]:The intercropping of alfalfa is an ideal modern ecological agricultural production model. In this planting model, the nitrogen fixation of alfalfa can improve the nutrient environment of crop rhizosphere, improve crop yield and land utilization efficiency, improve the quality, increase the local farmers' real estate income, promote the comprehensive development of various kinds of crops, and can also be filled after the wheat harvest. Using and improving the ecological environment resources in the field, the economic benefit of the growers is improved by combining with the animal husbandry sideline, and the organic combination of agriculture and animal husbandry is coordinated and coordinated, and the ecological balance is promoted. The yield benefit, the economic benefit and the ecological benefit are developed together. Therefore, the wheat / alfalfa interplant system can be held for the wheat production and agriculture in China. The goal of sustainable development is of great significance and considerable prospect. In this study, a field experiment was set up in the village of Zhendong County, Yaodu District, Linfen, Shanxi province. Three treatments of wheat mono (XD), wheat alfalfa intercropping (XMT) and alfalfa mono (MD) were set up, and compared with the adjacent area (CK), through outdoor and indoor experiments. The soil moisture, soil nutrients, crop yield and its economic benefits were measured and analyzed. The soil indexes of each model were analyzed and analyzed by SPSS. The effects of Intercropping between alfalfa intercropping on each index were summarized. The main results of this paper are as follows: (1) wheat, alfalfa mono and wheat 1m depth stratification and profile distribution characteristics of soil moisture under three treatments of alfalfa. Soil water content was less in the early and late period of tillage and compared with three treatments, and in the middle period, the soil water content in the middle and late stages of soil moisture increased gradually from the surface to the deep layer in the early period of tillage. As far as soil water content is concerned, the three treatment patterns in the surface layer are far below the water content in the deep soil, and the water content of the deep level MD treatment model is lower than that of the two. It shows CKXDXMTMD. from the soil water consumption and this can also indicate that alfalfa is in favor of maintaining soil moisture to a certain extent. Alfalfa is beneficial to the preservation of soil moisture to a certain extent, and further supplement the water for wheat growth. In the plain area of the plain area, wheat grain crops are the main crops, but the intercropping of alfalfa is feasible. (2) wheat, alfalfa single seeding and wheat / alfalfa interplant planting in three ways. The content and profile distribution of soil organic matter, pH and nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium nutrient 2m depth are more than three treatments at all levels of the control CK organic matter content, and the distribution of soil organic matter in each treatment is S, and the content of organic matter in the surface 0~20cm soil XD (20g/kg) is slightly higher than that of the other two treatments, and the organic matter content of 0~60 cm soil is XDXMTMD, while the organic matter content of soil organic matter is slightly higher than that of other treatments. The content of organic matter in deep XMT was higher than that of XD (60~100cm) and MD (150~200cm). This may be a powerful explanation for further distribution of deep root roots in deep roots of alfalfa. The soil pH value increased with depth, the whole body was alkaline, and there was no significant difference between treatment and control. Total nitrogen content in three treatments. There was no significant difference in the surface 0~20cm, while the total nitrogen content in the two treatments of MD and XMT was significantly higher than the XD treatment in the depth of the 20~60cm soil layer. The bottom XD available nitrogen content accounted for the full section of 1/4. wheat interplanting alfalfa, not only to improve the soil nitrogen fertility in 20~150cm depth, but also to make nitrogen loss in the deep soil of the conventional wheat field at the bottom. After a wheat season, XMT and XD treated the surface soil available phosphorus content near 10mg/kg, MD only 6.4210mg/kg, both for wheat and to alfalfa, showing the lack of phosphorus, indicating that in the production practice of these three treatments, the use of phosphate fertilizer is both necessary and more likely to increase production. In the wheat / alfalfa interplant system, the proportion of the total soil potassium consumption was optimized, so it could be reduced or not applied. (3) the crop ground growth of intercropped intercropped wheat was higher than that of MD, but the yield was far lower than that of MD.MD, and XD was lower than that of XMT.. Compared with the control CK, XMT was compared to the number of spikes per hectare per hectare compared with CK. The four indexes of grain number, 1000 grain weight and yield are higher than XD and XMT, XD treatment mode is slightly higher than XMT. in these four indexes, but because of XMT wheat and alfalfa two parts, the yield is also two parts, then the growth of the crops on the ground is more advantageous and suitable for local planting pattern. (4) economic benefit analysis of intercropping Intercropping between alfalfa. The analysis of input capital is compared with XMTMDXD. on the yield analysis compared with the market price of wheat and alfalfa MDXMTXD., which makes the analysis of the output value of the output value of the net value of the net value of the MDXMTXD. is in the plain area, the land is fertile, the population is large, the land farming is the main grain crop, and it is not suitable for the large area planting alfalfa. Therefore, the selection of intercropping Intercropping between alfalfa is suitable for local development, that is, providing grain, providing pasture for the development of animal husbandry, realizing a variety of local management, and making the agriculture and animal husbandry develop together.
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