[Abstract]:Rural tourism should embody the new development concept of "innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing", protect and integrate rural tourism resources, advocate "green development mechanism", and realize the development and protection of win-win co-prosperity. Based on PSR model and Delphi method, the evaluation indexes of rural tourism environment protection at all levels, including 57 index elements in 5 sub-target layers, are constructed by questionnaire experts, and the weights of indicators are determined by AHP analytic hierarchy process (AHP). A pairwise judgment matrix is constructed first, and then the index weight is determined by consistency test. Based on the understanding of the importance of each index element, the qualitative and quantitative evaluation methods are combined. The key points of rural tourism environmental protection and the environmental protection concept, technical measures and action measures should be adopted in order to promote the green development, green consumption and green experience of rural tourism, and realize the "economy" in the development of rural tourism. The benign interaction of social and ecological environmental benefits forms a new development paradigm to alleviate the rural tourism ecological and environmental pressure.
【作者单位】: 中南财经政法大学工商管理学院;
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