[Abstract]:Minority areas are the main battlefield for our country to break out of poverty. Through the analysis of individual cases, it is found that there is a wide range of poverty in ethnic minority areas, deep poverty, a large proportion of ethnic poor population, serious lag in infrastructure construction, low income of poor people, and heavy task of relocation of migrants from different areas. Problems such as the poor population's low cultural quality are still prominent. At the same time, they are also faced with the problem of poverty population index decomposition and poor object identification, the lack of rigid demand for capital input and the lack of supply capacity of poverty alleviation fund input in the implementation of poverty alleviation projects. The delayness of industrial poverty alleviation projects and the short term requirement of annual poverty eradication goals, the "hollowing out" in poor rural areas and the arduous task of poverty eradication are outstanding contradictions. To this end, it is necessary to urgently improve the accurate identification mechanism for the poor population, establish a project construction fund investment mechanism based on target demand, reform the assessment method for the effectiveness of precision poverty alleviation, and earnestly strengthen the building of poverty alleviation and governance capacity in poor villages. Ensure that ethnic minority areas achieve the goal of eradicating poverty and attacking key points on time.
【作者单位】: 中共广西壮族自治区委员会党校;
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