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发布时间:2018-08-02 12:20
【摘要】:家庭联产承包制打破了土地公有公营,克服了“大锅饭”的诸多弊端,从制度上激发了农民的农作积极性,土地产出率和劳动生产率大大提高,为保障国家粮食安全做出了巨大贡献。伴随着农业生产力的发展,农业生产关系的不断调整和农业市场化的发展,以小规模细碎化经营为基础的家庭承包经营制局限性逐渐显露,对生产经营组织化、机械化和科技化的自然排斥严重制约了农业现代化进程。学者们认为中国农业现代化中最棘手难题就是如何将小规模细碎农业规模改造成适合发展现代农业的农场规模。在此背景下,各类新型农业经营主体与家庭承包经营制度相伴而生,在农业生产实践中不断发育成长,呈现出旺盛的生命力和良好的发展势头。2008年,中央首次明确家庭农场作为农村地区土地规模经营的主体,在当年的十七届三中全会通过的《中共中央关于推进农村改革发展若干重大问题的决定》中提出“有条件的地方可以发展大户、家庭农场、农民专业合作社等规模经营主体”。2013年中央一号文件《关于加快发展现代农业进一步增强农村发展活力的若干意见》中,则四次提到家庭农场,进一步把家庭农场明确为新型农业经营主体的重要形式。作为传统家庭经营的升级模式,,家庭农场正是各类新型农业经营主体的构成之一。作为农业的微观组织形式,家庭农场在欧美等发达国家已有几百年的历史。但由于我国特殊的不同于西方发达国家的社会体制与背景,家庭农场在我国的发展与完善不能完全照搬照抄西方发达国家的发展模式,只有科学认知并遵循其成长机理,抓住起发展的必要性及优势,分析存在困境并提出相应发展对策,建立具有中国特色的家庭农场,使其我国农业农村经济发展和现代农业建设中发挥更大作用。 本论文以家庭农场相关基础理论为支撑,以相关数据统计资料为为基础,遵循“提出问题一研究文献一确定分析角度一得出结论或者提出对策建议”的思路,运用系统分析方法、文献综述法、综合分析法等研究方法。分别对中国是家庭农场发展的背景、必要性,成长机理,存在问题及解决对策进行了系统的阐述分析。本文可能的创新之处有以下三个方面:首先是对中国式家庭农场概念的提出,并分析了其不同于发达国家的具有中国特色的特征。其次是对中国式家庭农场成长机理从现实和理论两个方面进行研究论述,其中对于成长机理现实层面的论述将中国式家庭农场的成长过程比喻成农学意义上的“原种”的成长过程,综合了农学和农经学相关知识,使对中国式家庭农场的成长机理的描述更形象生动化。最后是在对中国式家庭农场存在问题及提出相应对策建议时,将细碎的问题归纳概括成适度规模化经营和农业社会化服务组织落后两大方面,将问题和解决方案呈现的更系统更全面。 由于中国式家庭农场在我国发展历史较短、培育机制尚不成熟并且因其自身的一些特性很难找到全面系统的数据、即便有数据也很难量化到计量模型中进行相关分析,使得对中国式家庭农场发展问题在定量分析方面缺乏相关研究。随着我国农业现代化进程的加快发展,在不同的发展阶段中国式家庭农场发展也会呈现出侧重点不同的新问题,对中国式家庭农场发展问题也将随时进行更深入的研究。
[Abstract]:The household contract system has broken the public property of the land and overcame many disadvantages of the "big pot". It has aroused the farmers' enthusiasm for farming, the rate of land output and labor productivity greatly improved, and made great contributions to the security of the national food security. With the development of agricultural marketization, the limitation of the household contract management system based on small and small scale management is gradually revealed. The organization of production and management, the mechanization and the natural exclusion of science and technology have seriously restricted the process of agricultural modernization. In this context, in this context, various new types of agricultural management bodies are accompanied by the family contract management system, growing up in the practice of agricultural production, showing vigorous vitality and good momentum of development in.2008 years. The central bank clearly defined the family farm as the land of rural areas for the first time. The main body of scale management, which was adopted in the third Plenary Session of the 17th CPC Central Committee of the year of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on several major issues on promoting rural reform and development, put forward the "large households, family farms, farmers' professional cooperatives and other large-scale management subjects with conditional places" in the Central Committee of.2013, document < about accelerating the development of modern agriculture. In a number of suggestions to further enhance the vitality of rural development, the family farm was mentioned four times, and the family farm was further defined as an important form of new agricultural management. As an upgrading model of traditional family management, family farm is one of the construction of various new types of agricultural management. The farm has a history of several hundred years in developed countries such as Europe and America. But because of the special social system and background of the western developed countries, the development and perfection of family farm in our country can not completely copy the development model of western developed countries. Only scientific cognition and the growth mechanism are followed, and the necessity of development is seized. And advantages, analysis of the existence of difficulties and put forward the corresponding development countermeasures, the establishment of family farms with Chinese characteristics, so that China's agricultural and rural economic development and modern agricultural construction play a greater role.
This paper, based on the basic theory of family farm related, based on relevant data statistics, follows the idea of "putting forward questions a research document to determine an analytical angle, draw conclusions or put forward suggestions", and uses systematic analysis, literature review, comprehensive analysis and other research methods. China is a family, respectively. The background of the farm development, the necessity, the growth mechanism, the existing problems and the countermeasures are systematically expounded and analyzed. The possible innovations of this paper are the following three aspects: first, the concept of Chinese family farm is put forward, and the characteristics of the Chinese family, which are different from the developed countries, are analyzed. The second is the Chinese family. The growth mechanism of the farm is discussed from two aspects of reality and theory, in which the practical level of the growth mechanism is compared to the growth process of the Chinese family farm, which combines the knowledge of Agronomy and agronomy to describe the growth mechanism of the Chinese family farm. More vivid and vivid. Finally, when the problems of Chinese family farm and the corresponding suggestions are put forward, the detailed problems are summed up into two aspects of the moderate scale management and the backwardness of the agricultural socialization service organization, and the problems and solutions are presented more systematically and fully.
Because of the short history of Chinese family farm development in China, the cultivation mechanism is not mature and it is difficult to find the comprehensive and systematic data because of its own characteristics. Even if the data are difficult to quantify into the quantitative analysis, it is lack of relevant research on the quantitative analysis of the problem of Chinese family farm development. With the rapid development of the process of agricultural modernization in China, the development of Chinese family farm in different stages of development will also present new problems with different emphasis, and further research will be carried out at any time in the development of Chinese family farm.


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