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发布时间:2018-08-18 10:54
【摘要】:伴随着我国新型城镇化的推进和人口逐步向城镇集中,城市建设用地供给不足与农村建设用地低效使用存在着结构性矛盾。为解决这一矛盾,实现耕地占补平衡,控制建设用地总量的动态平衡,近几年我国全面开展了农村居民点整理工作。论文在相关理论研究和实践基础上,结合江苏省海门市农村居民点实际情况,讨论了农村居民点整理类型、整理时序及整理模式等相关问题,以期为农村居民点整理深入有序开展提供科学的理论依据。论文首先对国内外农村居民点整理相关研究进行分析总结,重点对农村居民点整理类型、整理时序及整理模式进行了梳理研究。在相关理论研究基础上,论文分析了影响海门市农村居民点整理的因素,选择破碎度指数、连接度指数及人均农村居民点面积等共七个指标构建CMI-PA(由综合形态指数和人均农村居民点用地面积构成)评价模型,利用Erdas8.4、 Fragstats3.3及Arcgis9.3对基础数据进行处理获取指标数据,采取熵权法和主观赋权法相结合确定评价指标权重、计算评价综合分值,运用SPSS20.0聚类分析划分分值等级,确定农村居民点整理类型分类标准,在行政村尺度上将海门市农村居民点整理划分为优先整理区、重点整理区、一般整理区、适度整理区和暂不整理区五个整理类型。为安排农村居民点整理项目,在确定农村居民点整理类型后,论文进一步对农村居民点整理进行斑块尺度上的时序划分。选取影响农村居民点复杂程度的七个指标和影响农村居民点区位条件的四个指标进行农村居民点整理迫切性计算,采取与CMI-PA评价模型相同的方法确定指标权重及综合分值,利用Arcgis9.3中自然断点分级法确定分级标准,将海门市农村居民点整理分为近期、中期和远期三个时序,为农村居民点整理有序推进提供可操作性依据。在上述研究基础上,结合我国农村居民点整理四种主要模式(建设中心村、农村城镇化、合并自然村、整村搬迁)和海门市土地整理目标,确定海门市农村居民点整理模式,并从行政、经济、公众参与三个方面提出农村居民点整理的保障措施,为科学合理、顺利实施农村居民点整理提供坚实保障。
[Abstract]:With the development of new urbanization and population concentration in cities and towns, there is a structural contradiction between the shortage of urban construction land supply and the inefficient use of rural construction land. In order to solve this contradiction, realize the balance of farmland occupation and supplement, and control the dynamic balance of the total amount of construction land, the rural residential land consolidation work has been carried out in China in recent years. On the basis of relevant theoretical research and practice, combined with the actual situation of rural residential areas in Haimen City, Jiangsu Province, this paper discusses the types, timing and mode of rural residential land consolidation. In order to provide a scientific theoretical basis for rural residential land consolidation in-depth and orderly development. Firstly, this paper analyzes and summarizes the related research on rural residential land consolidation at home and abroad, focusing on the type, timing and mode of rural residential land consolidation. On the basis of relevant theoretical research, the paper analyzes the factors that affect the consolidation of rural residential areas in Haimen City, and selects the fragmentation index. Seven indexes, such as connectivity index and rural residential area per capita, are used to construct the CMI-PA evaluation model, which is composed of comprehensive morphological index and rural residential land area per capita. The index data are obtained by using Erdas 8.4, Fragstats3.3 and Arcgis9.3 to process the basic data. The entropy weight method and subjective weighting method are adopted to determine the weight of evaluation index, to calculate the comprehensive evaluation score, to use SPSS20.0 cluster analysis to classify the value, and to determine the classification standard of rural residential consolidation type. In the administrative village scale, the rural residential land consolidation in Haimen City is divided into five types: priority consolidation area, key consolidation area, general consolidation area, moderate consolidation area and temporary finishing area. In order to arrange the rural residential land consolidation project, after determining the rural residential land consolidation type, the paper further carries on the time series division on the patch scale to the rural residential land consolidation. Seven indexes affecting the complexity of rural residential areas and four indicators affecting the location conditions of rural residential areas are selected to calculate the urgency of rural residential land consolidation. The same method as the CMI-PA evaluation model is adopted to determine the index weight and comprehensive score. By using the natural breakpoint classification method in Arcgis9.3 to determine the classification standard, Haimen rural residential land consolidation is divided into three time series: short, medium and long term, which provides an operational basis for the orderly promotion of rural residential land consolidation. On the basis of the above research, combined with the four main modes of rural residential land consolidation in China (construction of central village, rural urbanization, merging of natural villages, relocation of whole villages) and land consolidation objectives of Haimen City, the model of rural residential land consolidation in Haimen City is determined. And from the administrative, economic, public participation three aspects of rural residential consolidation security measures, scientific and reasonable, smooth implementation of rural residential land consolidation to provide a solid guarantee.


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