[Abstract]:In recent years, many countries had made considerable progress in activities in a number of areas, emphasizing the exploitation of renewable and non-renewable natural resources, which provided a strong guarantee for industrialization and socio-economic development. The Central African Republic is located in the heart of Africa, rich in natural resources, these conditions make it easy to build sustainable development, build into a true green energy, future energy of the country. The Central African Republic has abundant water resources (river networks), soil (fertile land) and large areas of forests, which makes it superior to many countries in the world in terms of natural products and the potential of natural resources. These valuable resources are not exploited because of poor management and lack of practical technology, and because of the lack of meaningful projects for the benefit of the people, people still do not have good control over and use of artisanal technology, The people of Central Africa are suffering from poverty and other infectious diseases because of the abuse of land and resources. In short, these conditions seriously affect the country's economic development, people's health, environmental management and sustainable development. In the research of this paper, the present situation, existing problems and future development trend of water resources, soil resources and forest resources in Central Africa are introduced more deeply and comprehensively. Drawing the following conclusion: although Central Africa is rich in natural resources, its negative effects have become increasingly prominent due to its long-standing lack of management and strong human influence; and the widespread management of drinking water throughout the country, Forest management and the management and development of protected areas, biodiversity conservation and other issues are the focus of current socio-economic development and environmental protection; sustainable management of natural resources must be strengthened to achieve ecological benefits, Economic and social benefits of the three unity. For this reason, there is a need for deeper research on the theories of hydraulics, soil, agriculture and forestry in order to provide theoretical support for the formulation of sustainable development policies and, on the other hand, to put them into practice. Learn from the development of developed countries and other developing countries, solve the problem of resources and environment, and follow the path of sustainable development.
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