[Abstract]:This paper analyzes the influence of labor market segmentation on the employment opportunities and employment quality of landless farmers by using the (CFPS) data of Chinese household dynamic tracking survey. Employment opportunities, regional, household registration and other factors have an important impact. Whether employed or self-employed, the probability of landless farmers in the east is the highest, followed by the middle and the west. The acquisition of urban household registration greatly reduces the proportion of self-employed employment and significantly increases the employment probability. Further analysis of the employment quality of employed landless farmers, in three latitudes of wages, job stability, job satisfaction, region, household registration, industry and so on, has had different effects: the quality of employment is in the east, middle, and so on. Among the three major regions in the west, there is a gradient downward trend. In the three latitudes, wages, job stability and job satisfaction are all the highest in the east, followed by the middle and the lowest in the west. After obtaining urban household registration, the wage income and job stability are obviously improved. From the first industry to the second industry and then to the third industry, the wages gradually decreased, and the job stability gradually increased; in terms of job satisfaction, there was little difference between the landless farmers in different industries.
【作者单位】: 常州大学瞿秋白政府管理学院;
【基金】:国家社会科学基金青年项目(13CRK026) 江苏高校“青蓝工程”项目 国家社会科学基金重点项目(16ASH005)
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