[Abstract]:With the development of China's economy, the government's poverty alleviation in rural areas has entered a new level and stage. Governments all over the country are actively exploring ways to get rid of poverty and put forward many policy suggestions. However, with the implementation of the new social task in the new period, the problem of rural poverty in China has undergone tremendous changes, with the emergence of many new characteristics, which makes the government's poverty alleviation work facing and solving problems become more complex. Under this situation, it is one of the important contents of the current government poverty alleviation plan to deeply study the implementation of the government's poverty alleviation work, analyze the effect of the poverty alleviation work, find out the problems existing in the implementation of the policy, and work out the corresponding countermeasures to it. Taking Kuqa County of Xinjiang as an example, this paper analyzes the effect of poverty alleviation in detail. The paper firstly combs the relevant literature at home and abroad, summarizes the basic situation of the theoretical research on poverty alleviation; then, through the reading and summing up of the literature, it summarizes the main concepts and related theories involved in the paper. It lays a theoretical foundation for the development of the full text of the research; then, it discusses the basic situation of Kuqa county and towns in Xinjiang, including its general situation before poverty alleviation and the relevant poverty alleviation work formulated by the local government in view of the present situation of poverty; then, This paper discusses the effect of poverty alleviation in villages and towns in Kuqa County of Xinjiang from two aspects of qualitative and quantitative analysis, and finally, points out the problems existing in poverty alleviation work in Kuche County, Xinjiang, and puts forward some suggestions and thoughts on how to improve the poverty alleviation work in villages and towns in Kuqa County of Xinjiang. Through the study of this paper, we can see that the work of poverty alleviation in Kuqa County of Xinjiang mainly includes "Ten Special actions", "six policies" and "Nine mechanisms". And in the policy implementation process in the total amount of social and economic, education and social security and many other aspects played a positive role. However, it is undeniable that there are still some problems in the implementation of poverty alleviation, such as low correlation degree of poverty alleviation industrialization, insufficient financial support and so on. In order to further promote the implementation effect of poverty alleviation in Kuqa County, Xinjiang, this paper respectively from the active construction of agricultural industrialization development strategy, increase government support for poverty alleviation. To provide adequate ideas and human resources for poverty alleviation and other aspects of the proposal to promote.
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