[Abstract]:The research on the development of agricultural circular economy is the core of modern sustainable development and the key content of the coordinated development of economy, society and environment. As an important agricultural region in Hunan Province, agriculture is the pillar industry. The development of agricultural industry is related to the overall economic growth of Dongting Lake region. Under the influence of water, soil and atmosphere pollution, the ecological environment of Dongting Lake area is gradually deteriorating, and the probability of natural disasters is increasing gradually, which is not conducive to the sustainable development of agriculture in Dongting Lake region. In order to realize the sustainable development of agricultural economy in Dongting Lake region, this paper studies the development mode of agricultural circular economy in Dongting Lake region based on the analysis of ecological efficiency theory. The first chapter mainly introduces the background and significance of the development of agricultural circular economy in Dongting Lake region, and establishes the research ideas, research methods and research contents of this paper. The second chapter introduces the basic theory of circular economy, agricultural circular economy and ecological efficiency. The third chapter summarizes the important significance of developing agricultural circular economy in Dongting Lake area, and analyzes the present situation of developing agricultural circular economy in Dongting Lake area. The fourth chapter is the development model of agricultural circular economy in developed countries and domestic areas, and briefly summarizes the development model of agricultural circular economy in developed countries such as Germany, Japan and Hebi region in China, in order to provide reference for Dongting Lake region. The fifth chapter is through the ecological efficiency circular economy development model analysis, proposed the industry chain three-dimensional agriculture circular economy pattern, the resources comprehensive utilization agriculture circulation economy pattern, Material optimal allocation of agricultural circular economy model the ecological efficiency of Dongting Lake region agricultural circular economy development model. The sixth chapter is based on ecological efficiency to develop the Dongting Lake region agricultural circular economy countermeasures and suggestions. This paper proposes to improve the agricultural circular economy system, to enhance the comprehensive value of agriculture in Dongting Lake region, to rely on the science and technology of circular economy, to promote the smooth operation of agricultural circular economy model, to improve the public service facilities, The aim is to promote the healthy development of agricultural circular economy in Dongting Lake region. The seventh chapter is the conclusion of this paper, and the prospect of further research on agricultural circular economy is put forward. The development of agricultural circular economy in Dongting Lake region needs to reform the direction of economic development based on ecological efficiency from the view of green ecological concept and local reality and then realize the goal of sustainable development of agricultural circular economy in Dongting Lake region.
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