[Abstract]:Vegetable is the essential food and nutrition source in people's daily life, the economic benefit is high, the market potential is huge. Yizhang County is a big vegetable planting county in Hunan Province and even in China. Its vegetable planting industry is developing rapidly and is developing towards the "reserve reservoir" of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao markets. Yizhang County was listed in the regional layout of national superior agricultural products in 2002, and vegetables have excellent development advantages and broad development prospects in Yizhang area. However, there are still some problems in the vegetable industry in Yizhang County, such as, the policy of vegetable production base is not in place, the implementation is not in place, the ability of vegetable security is not strong, the fund input of vegetable industry is low, and the development of vegetable industry is short of stamina. The construction of vegetable infrastructure is weak, the water conservancy, electric engineering and other facilities supporting the production base are not complete, the ability to resist natural disasters such as wind, rain and cold is weak, the deep processing technology of vegetables is relatively weak, and the product competitiveness is low. The ability to connect vegetable market with production base is not strong, which makes vegetable base difficult to sell vegetables and expensive to buy vegetables. Based on the investigation data of vegetable industry development in Yizhang County, the paper analyzes the concrete problems in vegetable production in Yizhang County, and then puts forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions: optimizing, adjusting the planting structure of vegetable industry in Yizhang County, science, and so on. To plan the industrial layout rationally; to perfect the construction of standardization, scale and commercialization system of vegetable production base; to strengthen the inspection and supervision of product quality; to ensure the quality of vegetable products; to improve scientific and technological training and technical support; Improve technology demonstration and promotion network; support leading vegetable enterprises, vegetable cooperative organizations or planting associations with local characteristics, cultivate high profile brands and enhance market competitiveness of products; establish special funds to support, Encourage the development of innovative investment and financing mechanism in vegetable industry.
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