[Abstract]:Marx said, "Land is the source of all production and all existence", generally speaking, land and people's livelihood are often inextricably linked. If we want to develop and utilize the land resources better, we should take the land property right system as the fundamental guarantee. Marx's land property right theory is a scientific theoretical system. The reform of Chinese farmland property right system is mainly based on Marxist land property right theory. However, in recent years, with the economic development and social progress, we can find that the current rural land property rights system has some obvious shortcomings, which seriously hinder the rural economic system reform. Therefore, when the new era comes, we should combine Marx's theory of land property rights with the national conditions, and at the same time continue to develop and innovate in order to correctly guide the reform of the rural land system. It has been the new historical mission of Marx's land property right theory given by the times. Through the deep research and analysis of Marx and Engels' theory on farmland property right and the historical data of socialist agriculture about farmland property right, and combining with the social background at that time, this paper finds the basis of this thought. Combine theory with practice, carry on deep analysis and exploration. From the perspective of cognition, we can have a systematic and comprehensive understanding of the theoretical and practical study of Marxist farmland property rights.
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