[Abstract]:The purpose of this paper is to analyze the dilemma of land ownership adjustment in the policy of increasing or decreasing the ownership, to probe into the ways of land ownership adjustment, to base on the protection of collective and farmers' legitimate rights and interests, and to put forward some suggestions for innovating and perfecting the policy. Research method: policy analysis method. The results show that the adjustment of the ownership of collective land is faced with many difficulties, such as lack of legal basis, strong spatial binding, fuzzy nature of land in centralized residential areas, and the disconnection between practice and law in the adjustment of ownership of collective land use right. It is difficult to define the land and house property right in the concentrated residential area. The conclusion of the study is: to correct the name of collective land ownership transfer and to ensure that collective land and state-owned land "equal rights and equal market access" and to establish a new collective management system; In practice, the ownership of land is centralized to the village collective and transferred according to law, and the right to use agricultural land is transferred to the collective management in the form of "confirming the right to use shares inaccurately", so as to expand the scale of entering the market of the construction land for collective management.
【作者单位】: 四川大学经济学院;
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