[Abstract]:Rural tourism, as a new industrial form extending from modern tourism to traditional agriculture, has been attached great importance to in recent years and has gradually become a new growth point of rural economic development. The development of rural tourism industry is influenced by many factors because of its high correlation and strong driving function. This paper studies the development of rural tourism from a systematic point of view, constructs the dynamic model of driving mechanism of rural tourism development, taking Dalian rural tourism as an example, through the industrial economy, By adjusting the parameters of resource environment and social culture, five driving modes of rural tourism development are simulated. They are: natural development mode, industrial economy leading driving mode, resource and environment leading driving mode. The dynamic changes of rural tourism income, total agricultural output value, per capita net income of farmers and the area of rural tourist attractions are predicted by the model of sociocultural driving force and coordinated development of industrial economy, social culture and resource environment. The results show that the coordinated development model of industrial economy, resource environment and social culture is the best model for the development of rural tourism in Dalian. Combined with the results of simulation analysis, the countermeasures and suggestions for the development of rural tourism in Dalian are put forward.
【作者单位】: 大连理工大学管理与经济学部
【基金】:国家旅游局青年专家培养计划“城市化进程下乡村旅游发展驱动机制研究”(TYETP201520) 国家自然科学基金项目“环城游憩带乡村旅游发展影响因素及其驱动机制研究”(编号:41201174) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金“海洋生态安全预警机制研究”(DUT16RW116)
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