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发布时间:2018-11-17 17:41
[Abstract]:With the intensification of the contradiction between the supply and demand of land and resources, the traditional extensive management method can no longer meet the needs of the supervision business of the land and resources management department. Meticulous management must use information technology means to innovate land and resources supervision. The establishment of a comprehensive supervision platform for land and resources is the premise and basis for bold and innovative breakthroughs in land and resources management, the efficient management of land and resources, scientific decision-making, administration according to law, and further improving the level of land and resources management. Standardizing management behavior and promoting management innovation play an important role in promoting management. As the core task of land and resources supervision, construction land supervision has complex object, wide scope and heavy task. With the continuous development of information technology level and the gradual improvement of supervision requirements of construction land business, the existing land and resources informatization work foundation can no longer adapt to new changes and requirements, through the use of modern scientific and technological information means, It has become the consensus of the land management departments at all levels to supervise and warn the illegal and illegal problems such as "using land without reporting, using without approval, using without approval but not using", which may occur in the management of construction land. Based on the above situation, combined with the present situation of land and resources management in Shaanxi Province, the construction of land and resources comprehensive supervision platform in Shaanxi Province is studied in detail. First of all, this paper analyzes the present situation of land and resources informatization and land management at home and abroad, and analyzes the related technologies involved in the design of land and resources comprehensive supervision and construction land supervision system, such as: SOA theory. ETL data extraction and other techniques have been deeply explored and analyzed. Secondly, based on the related laws and regulations of construction land management, the paper combs the construction land supervision business and process based on the land and resources comprehensive supervision business demand of Shaanxi Province Land and Resources Department. The contents and requirements of supervision are refined, and the supervision links, supervision points and business early warning indicators suitable for the actual construction land in the province are determined. Finally, based on the combing results of construction land supervision business and process, according to the requirements of software engineering, the requirements analysis, system design and joint technical cooperation units to develop the construction land supervision system. The whole process of land approval, land supply, land development and consolidation, supplementary cultivated land, land registration, etc., and the analysis and pre-judgment of land resources situation have been basically realized, and the tests have been carried out. It proves the feasibility and correctness of the construction land supervision system.


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