[Abstract]:With the development of economy and the change of society, the people's desire for a better life and abundant material needs is deepening day by day. The agricultural population in our country accounts for 47% of the national population. The development of agricultural economy is a very important issue, which relates to the continued prosperity of the national economy or not, and is a direct embodiment of the level of national living standards. Wuwei City is not only an important economic belt along the Silk Road, but also one of the main producing areas of melon, fruit, grain, oil, vegetable and other agricultural products in Hexi region. Therefore, taking the agricultural technology extension system of Wuwei city as the research object, it is of great significance and reference value to analyze the level and problems of agricultural technology extension in Wuwei city at the present stage, which is of great significance and reference value to the establishment of a new type of agricultural technology extension system in Wuwei city. This article mainly through the questionnaire investigation and so on, carries on the investigation to the Wuwei city present stage agriculture development situation, through the interview, Field investigation shows that the problems existing in the present agricultural technology extension in Wuwei City include: (1) the climatic conditions have a restrictive effect on the agricultural development of Wuwei City. According to the geological climate, Wuwei can be divided into the southern mountainous area, the central irrigation area and the northern desert area, among which the southern mountain area and the northern desert area are not suitable for grain growth. (2) the agricultural commissioner system in Wuwei City is analyzed. It was found that the role played by the agricultural commissioner in the process of agricultural technology extension had little effect. (3) the current agricultural technology extension work had poor results, mainly reflected in the low level of education of the agricultural personnel and the imperfect construction of the agricultural technology extension team. Agricultural extension personnel security system is not perfect and so on. Therefore, the text further analyzes the influence of factors such as geological and climatic characteristics, personnel management system and government policy guidance on the agricultural technology promotion in Wuwei city. This paper studies the content of agricultural technology extension in Wuwei city at present, and analyzes the advantages, disadvantages, advantages and disadvantages of the special officer system of agricultural technology extension. Based on the above research and discussion, this paper studies the principles of the establishment of a new agricultural technology extension system, establishes the objectives and tasks of a diversified agricultural technology extension system in Wuwei City, and lays a foundation for the establishment of a new agricultural technology extension system in Wuwei City.
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