[Abstract]:Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy. Since the implementation of the household contract responsibility system in rural areas in 1980's, small scale household management has become the most important way of agricultural management. Household contract responsibility system has greatly promoted the emancipation and development of rural productive forces in China. However, with the rapid development of industrialization, urbanization and the rapid development of modern agricultural construction, agricultural production and management are faced with some new problems, such as "who will plant, how to plant, what to plant" and so on. To solve these problems and realize the transformation from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture, we must change the traditional agricultural management system and construct a new agricultural management system. Shanghai agriculture has always played an indispensable role in the development of Shanghai urban area and suburb. Such as providing high-quality grain and vegetables, providing fresh non-staple food, balancing the ecological environment, giving play to the role of social culture, and providing space for the development of Shanghai. All these functions depend on the promotion of Shanghai's agricultural competitiveness and the transformation from Shanghai's agriculture to modern agriculture. In order to realize the transformation of agricultural modernization, it is necessary to innovate the agricultural management system and mechanism, cultivate a diversified new agricultural management subject and speed up the development of agricultural socialized service. Therefore, speeding up the construction of a new agricultural management system is the first task to realize agricultural modernization in Shanghai. In the second chapter of this paper, the author combs the domestic and foreign related research achievements and scholars' views, and puts forward his own views on the connotation, characteristics and research breakthrough point of the new agricultural management system. Then, the author introduces in detail the advanced experience of constructing the new agricultural management system in the developed economies and regions, and the experiences of some developing countries which are more similar to our agricultural environment at the same time. All these are introduced in the third chapter of this paper. The research of this paper is based on the investigation of the main body of agricultural management and service in Shanghai. In the fourth chapter, the author evaluates the construction of a new agricultural management system in Shanghai according to the data obtained from the investigation. In the construction of new agricultural management subject, I think Shanghai has some bright spots, but there are also many problems. In the aspect of service main body, Shanghai public welfare service main body needs to change, management service main body is slightly insufficient. In view of the present situation of the main body of agricultural management and service in Shanghai, combined with the experience of constructing a new agricultural management system at home and abroad, the author puts forward some suggestions in the fifth chapter, such as clarifying the main position of family farm in grain production. We will focus on supporting cooperatives that focus on one product to achieve professional development, steadily advancing the development of cooperative cooperatives, vigorously supporting agricultural enterprises to develop vegetable gardens, and focusing on transforming the functions of agricultural public welfare service providers. Focus on the development of agricultural management services and other suggestions, and put forward related measures. In the sixth chapter, the author summarizes the whole paper, points out some achievements in the research and some problems that still can not be solved.
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