[Abstract]:Food aid is an important issue in the field of WTO agricultural export competition. The Doha Round negotiations attempt to formulate binding rules to prevent food aid (hereinafter referred to as grain aid) from becoming a tool for handling surplus grain. This paper summarizes the stage characteristics and influencing factors of the development of grain aid issues, analyzes the effectiveness of the provisions on grain aid in the "Export Competition Agreement" reached by the 10th Ministerial Conference, and makes a judgment on the trend of the negotiations. The study found that the negotiations abandoned the rules-based framework of grain aid governance in the 2008 draft Model, and the provisions of the Export Competition Agreement continued the non-binding nature of the Agreement on Agriculture and could not prevent members from handling surplus grain through food aid. This is not only the result of America's strong maintenance of its own food aid practice, but also the factor of the changing environment of grain aid supply and demand. For China, the Export Competition Agreement leaves ample space for promoting grain "destocking" and speeding up supply-side reform with the aid of grain aid, and a grain aid mechanism that conforms to the WTO standard should be constructed as soon as possible. And in the next round of negotiations for easy grain aid discipline to maintain.
【作者单位】: 中国农业大学经济管理学院;
【基金】:农业部国际交流与合作项目(编号:2013-86) 国家科技重大专项课题(编号:2012ZX08011003-02)
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