[Abstract]:Based on the survey data of farmers in Minqin County, Gansu Province, this paper empirically studies the influence of social network on the adoption of water-saving irrigation technology and its mechanism by using the sample selection model. The results show that the social network has a significant positive impact on the adoption of water-saving irrigation technology for farmers. The mechanism of social network is that the social network can provide more effective information to farmers by broadening their access to information channels. Therefore, it is helpful to improve farmers' technology cognition level, reduce the risk of technology adoption, and finally promote farmers' technology adoption. Therefore, in the process of technology extension in the future, we should give more play to the role of social network as an informal organization in the diffusion of technology information, strengthen and perfect the construction of information dissemination mechanism in technology extension, and broaden the channels of obtaining information for farmers. And then promote farmers to adopt water-saving irrigation technology. Besides, technical training, land leveling, large-scale operation, water price reform and technical popularization should also be paid attention to.
【作者单位】: 西北农林科技大学经济管理学院;
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