[Abstract]:The scarcity of land resources has become one of the most important problems in our country at present, especially for the rational use of limited land resources. Land use data is one of the indispensable basic information for the management and utilization of land resources. As a kind of spatial data, land use data needs different degree of detail under different application purposes and requirements, that is to say, it involves the multi-scale representation of land use data. In this paper, the multi-scale representation model of land use data is taken as the research object, based on the research of spatial data multi-scale representation and map data synthesis, based on semantic correlation and land use data characteristics. The main research results are as follows: (1) according to the characteristics of land use data, the conceptual model, logical model and physical model of multi-scale representation are designed. A land use database for multi-scale expression was constructed. (2) in the research technology of spatial data automatic synthesis, the main rules of scale transformation of land use data are designed by using object-oriented thought, taking into account the category attributes of land use data and the spatial characteristics of scale transformation; (3) based on the spatial data quality evaluation, the quality evaluation index of land use data multi-scale representation model is designed according to the characteristics of land use data scale transformation. (4) in the framework of. Net, the land use data scale conversion is realized by using C#Arc Engine10 and ArcGIS software, and the land use multi-scale representation system is constructed.
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