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发布时间:2018-12-28 11:35
[Abstract]:Based on the data of the input factors of the cultivated land output from 2001 to 2014 in the cities of Gansu province (state), the paper uses the SPSS10.0, the improved income model, the Lucas overflow model and the analysis method of the GM (1,1) model based on the MATLAB7.0 gray prediction. This paper makes a quantitative analysis of the human capital stock and the contribution rate of the cultivated land output to the agricultural workers in various cities of Gansu province, and forecasts the output efficiency of the cultivated land and the human capital stock of the agricultural workers in the counties of Gansu Province by the period of 2015 to 2020. In this paper, the following conclusions are drawn: the definition of the connotation of human capital of agricultural practitioners is given. Based on the analysis of the yield and the input factors of the cultivated land in various cities of Gansu province, the model of Lucas's overflow is improved. The accumulation of human capital of agricultural workers in various cities (states) of Gansu Province in 2001-2014 is an increasing trend, but there is a difference in the accumulation of human capital stock among the agricultural workers in each city (state). Among them, in the cities of Dingxi, Longnan, Linxia and Ganzhou, the human capital stock of the agricultural workers in our province is low (state), which is 20448. 88 yuan, 20259. 98 yuan, 21204. 88 yuan and 244,000 yuan. The city of Qingyang, Pingliang, Baiyin and Tianshui is the lower city of the human capital stock of the agricultural workers in our province. It is 29442. 35 yuan, 30242. 56 yuan, 32049. 56 yuan, 31390. 67 yuan, Zhangye City, Wuwei City, Jinchang City, Lanzhou City, Jiuquan City is the high city of the human capital of the agricultural workers in our province, it is 59747.53 yuan, 48572. 50 yuan, 65546. 34 yuan, 55312. 94, 81269. 63 yuan, and the human capital stock of the agricultural workers in Jiayuan City is 1094.15 yuan, It is the high-level city of human capital of the agricultural practitioners in our province. The input factors of human capital of agricultural workers in China have higher contribution rate and impact rate to the efficiency of cultivated land output. The contribution rate of the human capital to the yield of the cultivated land in the agricultural workers among the cities (states) is still different due to the different natural resources of the cultivated land and the development of the modern agricultural economy in each city (state). In the cities of Dingxi, Longnan, Linxia and Ganzhou, the contribution rate of human capital to the output of cultivated land is low; the contribution rate of human capital of agricultural workers in Qingyang City, Pingliang City, Baiyin City and Tianshui City is lower; Zhangye City, Wuwei City and Jinchang City, In Lanzhou, the contribution rate of human capital of agricultural workers in Jiuquan City is higher, and the contribution rate of human capital of agriculture in Jiayuan City is higher. According to the analysis of the forecast results of the cultivated land in 2015-2020, the output efficiency of the cultivated land in the city of Baiyin, Dingxi and Ganzhou is slow; the output efficiency of the cultivated land in the city of Pingliang, Qingyang, Longnan and Linxia is slow; Zhangye City, Wuwei City, Tianshui City and Jinchang City, The output efficiency of the cultivated land in Jiuquan City and Lanzhou is relatively fast, and the output efficiency of the cultivated land in Jiayuan is the fastest, and it can be found that the human capital of agriculture in the city of Dingxi, Longnan, Linxia and Gangnan is slow. In Qingyang City, Pingliang City, Baiyin City, Tianshui City, the human capital growth of agricultural workers is relatively slow; in Zhangye, Wuwei, Jinchang, Lanzhou, Jiuquan City, the human capital of agricultural workers is growing faster; and the human capital of agriculture in Jiayuan is the fastest. In this paper, by using the human capital of the agricultural practitioner as an input factor for the study of increasing the yield of the cultivated land, and the verification is carried out, it is concluded that it has a great contribution to the improvement of the yield of the cultivated land and the influence rate. Therefore, I think it is of great significance to establish the human capital investment mechanism of the agricultural workers who can improve the yield of the cultivated land, which is of great significance to guarantee the food security and increase the yield of the cultivated land.


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