[Abstract]:Land use / cover change (LUCC) in historical period is the forerunner and foundation of modern land use / cover, and modern land use / cover is the continuation and development of land use change in historical period. The study of LUCC in historical period is helpful to correctly understand the inherent mechanism of the relationship between man and land and the harmonious development of man and land in the historical process. It has important reference significance for the current and future production activities and rational land use mode of human being. By revising the data of population and cultivated land in Jiangxi Province from 1393-1910, based on the distribution pattern of modern cultivated land, this paper quantifies the relationship between elevation, slope, distance from nearest river and population density and the spatial distribution of cultivated land. A grid allocation model of 1km 脳 1km historical cultivated land was established. The data of cultivated land area in 1393, 1491, 1578, 1661, 1782 and 1910 were brought into the grid reconstruction model, and the spatial distribution pattern of cultivated land with 6 time sections was obtained. On this basis, the temporal and spatial changes of cultivated land during the Ming and Qing dynasties were analyzed by using the cumulative change rate and spatiotemporal change index (STVI). The results showed that: (1) the cultivated land quantity in Jiangxi Province was stable in Ming and Qing dynasties, the cultivated land area decreased slightly in 1393-1578, increased gradually in 1661-1782, and decreased slowly in 1782-1910, and the cultivated land area was significantly affected by the population; (2) from the spatial distribution point of view, the cultivated land is mainly concentrated in the plain area of the middle and lower reaches of Ganjiang River, showing the trend of decreasing gradually to the outside, and the STVI value of the region is higher, indicating that the distribution of cultivated land in this area is relatively stable; (3) by introducing the 1980 cultivated land data into the reconstruction model, the results are positively correlated with the remote sensing interpretation data, and the correlation coefficient is 0.82, which indicates to some extent that the model can reconstruct the spatial distribution of cultivated land in the historical period of reconstruction. It has certain rationality. On the basis of the above research, this paper also selects 1820 years, which is rich in historical data, as time section, and reconstructs the spatial distribution of main ground classes under the grid of 1km 脳 1km in Jiangxi Province in 1820 by means of proximity analysis and suitability evaluation. The land use data of 1820 and 1980 were compared and analyzed. The results show that: (1) the results of reconstruction have passed the significance test, which shows that the reconstruction results are reasonable; (2) in 1820, the cultivated land, urban land, rural residential land, water area and other land area of Jiangxi Province were 29228 km2105 km2,1648 km2,3730 km2,134227 km2, respectively. The cultivated land was mainly distributed in the plain area of the middle and lower Ganjiang River valley north of Jianchang. The distribution of urban land and rural residential land is scattered, mainly in the river banks and river intersections. (3) from 1820 to 1980, the overall spatial distribution of land use in Jiangxi Province did not change significantly, but the area of urban land, agricultural settlements and cultivated land increased by 364 km2462 km2,16276 km2., respectively, due to the effect of population growth.
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