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发布时间:2019-03-17 07:34
[Abstract]:The establishment of the household contract responsibility system in China is a revolutionary innovation in the history of land system, which has a far-reaching impact on the development of agriculture in China, and has laid the foundation for the development of agricultural production. Since the 18th National Congress, agriculture, rural areas, farmers' work has entered the new situation and new normal. With the steady increase of income and the great improvement of living standard, the pace of urbanization is getting faster and faster, and more farmers begin to go out of the countryside and aspire for a better life in big cities. In this context, the youth and adults go out, driving the movement of the entire family, only a few old people and children left in the countryside. Compared with the living environment and working income of the city, young people prefer to stay in the city rather than go home to plant their land. The old people who remain in the countryside are gradually fading out of agricultural production because of physical problems. In this way, in the countryside formed a lot of abandonment, abandoned land phenomenon. In this case, some farmers do not want to plant land, there is a desire to transfer the land out; With the advent of the era of large-scale agriculture, the country also began to encourage the transformation of agricultural production mode of production in policy, the implementation of standardization, large-scale, industrial production, so as to produce the demand of centralized scale management of agriculture, land transfer will be produced smoothly. In order to adapt to the demand of agricultural scale management and promote the rational transfer of land, it is necessary to analyze the factors and links that affect the transfer of land. Through the investigation of the current situation of land transfer in Heyuan City, this paper analyzes the factors that affect each factor one by one and adopts the method of combining theory and demonstration to provide a full theoretical basis from the aspects of system, economies of scale, behavioral economics, and so on. The present situation and main problems of rural land transfer in Heyuan city are analyzed in depth. Finally, the macro-and micro-factors affecting land transfer are analyzed according to the investigation data of Heyuan city, and the regression analysis and statistical analysis method are adopted to analyze the situation and main problems of the rural land transfer in Heyuan city. This is the focus of this article. Through the analysis of the influencing factors, the key factors affecting the land circulation in Heyuan city are found, and some suggestions are given in the end of this paper. The main conclusions of this paper are as follows: at the level of farmers, the age of farmers, the number of household machinery and livestock, agricultural income, and the proportion of agricultural labor force play a major role in the influence of farmers' land transfer intention; The factors such as gender, age, education level, number of part-time workers, technical resources, grain planting area and the proportion of agricultural income play a major role in the influence of farmers' land transfer intention. The government has an important influence on the land transfer and plays an important role in the establishment of the land transfer mechanism, and the perfection of the laws and regulations and the rural social security system also play an important role in promoting the land transfer.


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