[Abstract]:In recent years, the gross domestic product (GDP) of Beijing has been rising, the economy is growing rapidly, and the income and consumption level of residents have been rising from 2.2023 trillion yuan in 2009 to 3.6057 trillion yuan in 2014, an increase of nearly 63.7 percent. With the good development of Beijing's economy and the improvement of residents' consumption level, the demand for fresh agricultural products logistics in Beijing is on the rise. The total amount of cold chain logistics of agricultural products in Beijing rose from 23.71 billion yuan in 2009 to 31.68 billion yuan in 2013. Although the cold chain logistics rate of fresh agricultural products in Beijing is increasing year by year, from 4.1% in 2009 to 6.6% in 2011, there is still an imbalance between supply and demand in fresh agricultural products market to a certain extent. The cold chain logistics of agricultural products in Beijing started late, the scale system is not perfect, and the decision-making is lack of necessary quantitative research data support. In order to ensure the rapid and coordinated development of fresh agricultural products logistics industry in Beijing, With the rational and effective allocation of logistics resources and the coordination and balance of supply and demand of fresh agricultural products, it is urgent to carry out demand forecasting research on cold chain logistics of fresh agricultural products in Beijing. Based on the cold chain logistics of agricultural products in Beijing, this paper forecasts the total demand of cold chain logistics of agricultural products in Beijing, and makes a quantitative analysis and discussion on the development trend of cold chain logistics of agricultural products in the future, so as to promote the healthy and vigorous development of the industry. Specifically, first of all, the knowledge system related to cold chain logistics of agricultural products is discussed in detail, including: the connotation and characteristics of cold chain logistics of agricultural products, the theory and method of logistics demand forecasting, which lays a solid theoretical foundation for this study. Secondly, the development status and demand characteristics of cold chain logistics of agricultural products in Beijing are analyzed and discussed, and the index system of forecasting the demand of cold chain logistics of agricultural products is constructed. On this basis, the demand of cold chain logistics of agricultural products in Beijing is analyzed and studied with the help of the combination model based on principal component regression and BP neural network. Finally, according to the prediction results, this paper puts forward some suggestions and measures to promote the healthy and coordinated development of the cold chain logistics industry of agricultural products in Beijing.
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