[Abstract]:Shanghai, as a city with nearly 10 million migrant people, is often inaccessible to cable television networks and broadband networks in the areas where migrant workers live, but television is a very necessary means of entertainment for this group of people. The inability to provide television viewing services can have many adverse consequences. Terrestrial digital television technology will not be troubled by such problems as cable coverage, difficulty of construction engineering and so on, but through transmission equipment and transmission equipment, the signal will be transmitted directly to the home of television users, and its flexible access mode. It will play an irreplaceable role in the complex geographical and architectural environment. Based on the theoretical study of perceived value, subjective norms and self-concept consistency, this paper analyzes the current situation of migrant workers' cultural life and the demand for television services, and reviews the development of digital television industry. Combined with the actual situation of terrestrial digital television users in Shanghai, this paper selects the key factors that affect the purchase willingness of migrant workers, constructs the model of influencing factors of purchasing intention of migrant workers serving terrestrial digital television in Shanghai, and puts forward a hypothetical proposition. Through questionnaire survey, collect information, statistical analysis, select structural equation model, variable design, and finally verify the research hypothesis. This paper makes a comprehensive use of the statistical software Smartpls3.0, descriptive statistics, reliability and validity analysis methods, so that the main and key assumptions of the theoretical model of this study have been empirically supported, and the final theoretical model framework of this study has been determined. Some important conclusions of this study are as follows: customer perceived value, subjective norms and ideal self-concept consistency have a significant positive impact on purchase intention, while true self-concept consistency has no significant positive effect on purchase intention. After-sale protection, rich programs, convenient installation, clear picture, tariff discount is a significant positive impact on perceived value, perceived risk and perceived cost have no significant impact on perceived value. Based on these conclusions, and combined with the actual work situation, the author puts forward the market strategy for the development of migrant workers users in Shanghai, on the one hand, seeking competitive advantage, developing more users, serving the development goal of enterprises; On the other hand, the service level of terrestrial digital television is improved, so that the public service is balanced, the positive voice can be spread, and the cultural and entertainment needs of migrant workers in Shanghai can be better met.
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