本文选题:县域经济 切入点:空间计量分析 出处:《南京财经大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The convergence of economic growth has always been a hot topic in the economic field. There are still many problems to be further deepened.) at present, most studies on the convergence of economic growth are concentrated on the levels of provinces, cities, east and west, and so on. However, few of them take the county area as the analytical unit, and there is still no need to further study and refine the research on the convergence of economic growth. So that the research object is closer to the reality.) the focus of the existing literature is the convergence of economic growth. However, the research on the influencing factors of economic growth convergence has not yet formed a deep theoretical discussion and a complete logical framework. The dynamic process of convergence of economic growth has not been examined. In view of the above problems, this paper takes the neoclassical economic growth theory as the theoretical basis and the county area as the analytical unit. This paper studies the convergence of economic growth in Jiangsu Province, analyzes the economic convergence of Jiangsu Province by using the spatial econometric method, and combines the results of empirical analysis with the actual economic situation. This paper probes into the important factors that influence the convergence of county economic growth in Jiangsu Province. On the basis of the spatial measurement method, the quantile regression method is introduced in this paper. This paper investigates the dynamic change process of the convergence of economic growth in Jiangsu Province under different economic growth levels. The main conclusions of this paper are as follows: before and after considering spatial correlation, the county economy of Jiangsu Province shows an obvious 蟽 convergence trend. Moreover, spatial correlation among counties plays a significant role in promoting the narrowing of county economic differences, which inhibits the decentralization of county economic growth.) from the point of view of 尾 convergence, spatial correlation is considered. There are significant absolute 尾 convergence and relative 尾 convergence in county economic growth in Jiangsu Province, and the convergence rate has been improved. From the view of the influence of the control variables representing the characteristics of economic structure in the relative 尾 convergence model on the convergence of economic growth, The material capital investment, the secondary industry has the strong promotion function to the economic growth convergence, the human capital investment, the tertiary industry has restricted the economic growth convergence, the market opening degree, The effect of the degree of opening to the outside world on the convergence of economic growth is not significant. The 尾 convergence of economic growth is investigated at different quantiles, and it is found that the economic growth tends to converge at low and high quartile levels. But at the middle and high quartile level, economic growth is divergent. At any quantile level, the secondary industry has always played a positive role in promoting the convergence of economic growth. However, the tertiary industry, The three factors of human capital and degree of marketization have always hindered the convergence of economic growth. In the low quantile level material capital plays a promoting role in the convergence of economic growth and the degree of opening to the outside world has hindered the economic growth. At a higher quantile level, on the contrary, there is no spatial correlation in the case of club convergence, but there is still club convergence, considering spatial correlation, there is club convergence in the south and north of Jiangsu. But the convergence rate does not change much.
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