本文关键词:流域内经济结构性调整对水环境质量的长短期效应分析 出处:《中国人口·资源与环境》2017年11期 论文类型:期刊论文
更多相关文章: 产业结构调整 人口城乡结构 政府环境规制 主成份分析 边限协整检验
[Abstract]:With the further development in the basin of industrialization and urbanization, the water environment facing a very grim situation, Taihu basin is one of the social and economic development of China's fastest growing region, the water quality is not optimistic. In order to realize the coordinated development of regional economy, society and environment, based on the principal component analysis method to determine the water quality of the Taihu river basin the comprehensive pollution index, which indicates the water quality of the environment. On this basis, the cointegration test method of ARDL model based on marginal, from 1991 to 2014 in the Taihu River Basin (Jiangsu section) the adjustment of industrial structure, urban and rural population flow and the related data of government environmental regulation, from the perspective of economic structural adjustment on the short and long term effects of watershed the water quality of the environment. The empirical results show that: the adjustment of industrial structure of short and long term elasticity on water quality is 79.522 and -179.283 respectively, to illustrate the flow domain of the second stage The industry long-term extensive growth will lead to the deterioration of water quality, but its impact will not fade with time. And the automatic long-term elasticity changes the population structure on water quality were 67.578 and 309.411, indicating the population flow from rural to city, will increase the short-term water consumption, exacerbated the deterioration of water quality, negative influence while the long-term cause relatively weakened gradually. As for the action of government regulation in the Watershed Governance, due to its short and long term elasticity were -21.705 and 19.687, that government short-term behavior does not improve water quality effectively, the control effect is not immediate, often have to wait several years to have preliminary results, but compared to the industrial structure and the population structure influence on the quality of water environment, the government environmental regulation on water quality influence degree insufficient. Finally based on empirical points The results of the analysis, this paper puts forward the policy suggestions to improve the quality of water environment, including: optimizing the first industry and promote the development of the third industry, promoting the adjustment of industrial structure; strengthening the city environmental protection propaganda and popularization of water-saving awareness and control of sewage behavior, and the support of agricultural development, realize the rational flow of urban and rural population; development some high pollution equipment, continue to increase government investment in water pollution, strengthen environmental regulation of government.
【作者单位】: 河海大学商学院;淮阴工学院数理学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目“最严格水资源管理制度约束下流域初始水权耦合配置方法研究”(批准号:41271537) 江苏省研究生创新计划项目“太湖流域经济结构性调整对水环境质量的影响研究”(批准号:2016B46714)
【正文快照】: 改革开放以来,流域水资源开发、利用工作取得显著成效,为流域内经济和社会发展做出了突出贡献,但同时,水资源短缺、水污染严重等问题亦十分突出。太湖流域是我国社会经济发展最快的地区之一,其水体富营养化程度十分严重[1],据《太湖流域水资源公报》显示,2015年度太湖流域河流
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