本文关键词:衡水市居民生态文化消费模式研究 出处:《河北工业大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 生态文化消费模式 单因素方差分析 相关分析 影响因素 对策建议
【摘要】:生态文化消费无论是从现实生活还是从可持续发展角度讲,都是生态文明社会不可或缺的重要组成部分,理想的生态文化消费模式可以有效引导居民选择生态化的消费方式,规范居民的消费异化行为。研究居民生态文化消费是生态文明背景下关乎民生的一项重要内容,具有重要的理论与现实意义。 本文按照从政策到基层、从理论到实践的结构思路,在对国内外相关研究现状及生态文化消费理论基础和相关概念全面阐述的基础上,以衡水市居民消费为研究对象,依托衡水市区域发展特色,结合当地经济社会发展水平,,通过问卷形式实地走访调研衡水市区居民日常消费情况,借以了解居民个人基本信息、消费行为状况、相关知识认知程度以及参与生态文化消费的情况,参鉴中外相关地区有关统计资料,开展对比分析,运用SPSS统计软件对调研数据进行实证研究,较系统研究了影响居民生态文化消费的各种制约因素,探讨了居民生态文化消费的理想模式,进而对居民自身、企业和政府提出构建居民生态文化消费理想模式的对策建议。本研究以推广衡水市居民生态文化消费为契机,提倡居民树立生态文化消费观念,推动全社会正确认识生态文化消费,以期为业界及其他地区推行生态文化消费理想模式提供理论和个案参考。 论文的创新之处在于将生态文化消费作为研究主题,在生态消费研究基础上增加了文化元素,强调从思想意识角度转变居民消费观念,旨在从理论和实践上对居民消费行为进行论证。在理论上,提出了构建生态文化消费模式的内涵和基本内容,并针对传统消费模式存在的缺陷指出构建生态文化消费模式的路径选择;实证方面采用定性分析与定量分析相结合的方法,通过单因素方差分析得出居民生态文化消费的影响因素,进一步运用相关分析对各影响因素进行正负向检验,使实证研究结果更具指向性。本研究首次尝试以个案开展对居民生态文化消费理想模式的研究,以探讨不同人口统计特征居民的不同消费习惯和消费偏好,衡水市现状分析、影响因素的深入探讨以及具体提出的对策建议等都具有现实参考价值。
[Abstract]:Ecological culture consumption either from real life or from the angle of sustainable development, it is an important part of ecological civilization, the ideal ecological culture consumption mode can effectively guide the residents to choose ecological consumption behavior, consumption alienation specification residents. Study on residents ecological culture consumption is an important content in the context of ecological civilization the people's livelihood. It has important theoretical and practical significance.
According to the policy level, from theory to practice the basic structure of ideas, a comprehensive exposition of the related domestic and foreign research present situation and ecological cultural consumption theory and related concepts, the consumption of Hengshui residents as the research object, based on the Hengshui city regional development characteristics, combined with the local economic and social development level, through the questionnaire form field visit daily consumption survey of Hengshui urban residents, residents in order to understand the basic personal information, consumer behavior, knowledge and participation in ecological culture consumption, reference in abroad area related statistical data, carried out comparative analysis, using SPSS statistical software to conduct empirical research on the survey data, various effects of residents ecological culture consumption systematic factors, discusses the ideal pattern of ecological culture and consumption of residents, residents of their own, the enterprise and the government Put forward the suggestions and Countermeasures of building residents ecological culture consumption ideal mode. In this study, Hengshui city residents to promote eco cultural consumption as an opportunity to promote residents to establish ecological culture consumption concept, promote the whole society to a correct understanding of the ecological and cultural consumption, in order to provide theoretical and case reference for the industry and other areas for ecological culture consumption ideal mode.
The innovation of this paper is the ecological culture consumption as the research topic, the cultural elements increase based on ecological consumption, emphasized from the perspective of the ideological change in consumer attitudes, to demonstrate the consumer behavior from theory and practice. In theory, puts forward the concept of building ecological culture consumption mode and the basic content aiming at the defects of the traditional consumption mode and points out the way to build eco cultural consumption patterns; empirical method combining qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, through the single factor analysis of variance factors that influence residents ecological culture consumption, further use of correlation analysis of the influencing factors of positive and negative test, make the empirical results more directivity. This research is the first time to carry out research on Residents' ecological culture consumption ideal model to the case, to explore different people The statistical characteristics of residents, the different consumption habits and consumption preferences of residents, the analysis of the current situation of Hengshui, the in-depth discussion of the influencing factors and the specific countermeasures and suggestions are of practical reference value.
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