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  本文关键词:“中等收入陷阱”:中国所面临的挑战与跨越战略研究 出处:《武汉大学》2014年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 中等收入陷阱 公共政策 寻租 国际环境

【摘要】:2006年,世界银行在《东亚的复兴》的报告中首次提出“中等收入陷阱”的概念,主要描述的是当一国人均进入中等收入水平后,由于该国无法顺利转变经济发展方式,导致经济持续增长的动力不足,而处于经济发展停滞的状态。该报告特别指出收入差距扩大的问题在东亚地区普遍存在,影响东亚地区经济发展方式的顺利转变,因此警告要防止东亚经济陷入“中等收入陷阱”。 在2008年,中国人均GDP超过3595美元,进入上中等收入国家之列;开始瞄准人均11116美元的高收入国家目标。①与此对应的是中国20世纪70年代末以来的经济政策框架,对内改革和对外开放构成了整个发展战略的核心,特别是在确定市场经济的改革方向后,推动经济发展成为各级政府的主要职能,实行资本推动和出口拉动下的、以劳动密集型产品出口为主的出口导向型发展战略成为推动经济增长的引擎。然而,推动中国经济较快跨越低收入阶段和下中等收入阶段的关键要素正在发生转变——政府职能改革缓慢,人口红利迅速削弱,资源和环境矛盾日益突出,这引起了各界对中国可能面对“中等收入陷阱”的广泛关注。因此,有必要就此作一个系统梳理,特别是从路径依赖和发展环境的角度对其它经济体或陷入或避免中等收入陷阱的原因做深入的探讨,对中国面对这一挑战的共性问题和个性特点形成较为清晰的认识,从而为中国跨越中等收入陷阱提出具有操作性和针对性的建议。 本文主要研究“什么是中等收入陷阱”,拉美国家和东亚国家的教训和启示,中国何以会面临中等收入陷阱、如何跨越这一陷阱、跨越中等收入陷阱的战略建议等内容。具体而言,一是全面系统的对围绕中等收入陷阱问题的各种观点进行梳理。二是通过共性和个性相结合的分析避免了通过简单对比形而上学的形成结论。各国关于中等收入陷阱方面的主要问题不同,形成原因不同,在历史形成的路径依赖下能够采取的措施不同,采取政策措施的效果也不同。要进一步探寻拉美和日韩当年政策差异的历史制度背景,思考中国目前的国际国内环境。前车之鉴固然为后事之师,但照猫画虎的结果却往往是邯郸学步。三是将个体不同的经济社会环境和制度因素对经济政策的影响分析引入到中等收入陷阱这一问题中来。经济条件由社会中的制度安排决定,经济条件本身与制度变迁密切相关,经济和社会环境是讨论经济政策中最应该考虑的因素。中等收入陷阱的孕育、萌动、产生乃至爆发和消融都有其具体的社会根源和背景,这其中不仅有国际国内的经济金融因素和政治体制的关联,还有历史和文化的诱因,因此无论是内部的财政政策、货币政策,还是对外的汇率和贸易政策,都没有照本宣科的灵丹,经济政策必须考虑制度和环境的作用和差异。中国模式带来了30多年的发展,自身正面临发展模式转换的需要,同时经济全球化与低碳经济的发展,也展示了人类社会未来经济生活的画卷。因此,研究和比较不同国家在面对中等收入陷阱,或者是发展陷阱时的经济政策与制度环境的关系,对理清中国的宏观政策思路,寻找推动未来经济模式的微观主体具有积极的借鉴意义。 为达到以上目的,本文将研究对象主要集中在3个方面: 第一是什么是中等收入陷阱,是否存在中等收入陷阱。在关于“中等收入陷阱”的概念上,有两大类泾渭分明的理解:一类认为“中等收入陷阱”的核心是人均收入水平,大量国家的经验也证实,的确存在着在统计上的显现性,验证了在中等收入的特定阶段上,高速增长的经济体表现出减速甚至增长停滞的趋势;另一类观点认为,收入分配差距的存在并不是某个国家进入“中等收入陷阱”的必要条件,每个国家的收入水平都必然要经过一个中等收入阶段,这不能称为陷阱,而是经济社会发展的普遍规律。不能把现代化陷阱误认为中等收入陷阱,不能把分配不公这样的结构性问题看成收入水平的总量问题,不能把民权问题当作民生问题,这样治标不治本。 第二是研究中等收入陷阱的形成原因。关注的重点既有经济结构方面的因素,由于经济发展模式方面的原因,还有政治体制方面的短板等。其中既分析传统增长动力衰减、人口红利消失、收入分配不合理、资源环境约束加大,中国建立在劳动力、土地等要素禀赋基础上的比较优势加速衰减态势凸显,比较优势理论也日益显露出对发展中国家指导作用上的阶段性和局限性等一般性的观点;也客观判断认为中国掉入“陷阱”的最大的威胁,即来自权力和资本的结合,其目的并不是改革旧体制,而是要固化现有的发展现状,社会力量的失衡导致了利益关系的失衡,甚至有将国家机构和政策绑架的危险的这些较尖锐的论断。 第三是探讨如何避免中等收入陷阱和如何走出中等收入陷阱。既借鉴日韩包括公平合理的国民收入分配政策或社会均等化政策、科学技术创新与领导、自由贸易环境,促进中等收入阶层的形成以及经济增长动力结构的转变,实现了社会结构和政治民主化转型等对策,也指出日韩发展有其特殊的地缘政治环境和美国同盟的因素,并且对其福利化措施对劳动力市场的影响持负面观点,还具体结合中国的实际谈论对策。 全文共分6章。第一章的绪论部分主要阐述选题意义,并分析国内外相关研究的现状;第二章则主要从对内改革与对外开放两个方面列举中国面对中等收入陷阱的主要问题,同时突出了中国地区发展失衡对该问题的影响;第三章则分别从拉美模式和东亚模式两个角度分析了不同类型国家面对中等收入陷阱的经验和教训,还对导致这两种不同结果的制度因素做了归纳;第四章对应第二章提出的主要问题,从对外重塑中国国际分工的竞争优势,对内推进行政改革与政府职能调整明确了中国跨越中等收入陷阱的战略思路;第五章按照中国跨越中等收入陷阱的战略思路,分别从国民收入提升、土地制度改革和城镇化建设、抑制经济转型中的寻租行为等三个方面提出了具体对策;第六章则考虑了中国作为世界最大的发展中国家和第二大经济体,在跨越中等收入陷阱的过程中对将国际地缘政治格局和世界金融体系的影响,提出了系统的对策。 本文的创新主要体现在四个方面: 一是将公共政策和制度环境的因素和分析框架引入到“中等收入陷阱”问题的相关分析之中,既拓展了“中等收入陷阱”问题的分析角度与层面,又为将该问题的一般分析与个体的差异分析的结合创造了空间。 二是将“中等收入陷阱”问题的一般分析与中国的实际情况相结合,没有简单列举照搬各国的所谓“经验”,而是重视了这些经验和教训背后的历史环境和制度差异上的原因。对中国的分析既围绕改革和开放两大主题展开,又充分考虑了中国地区差异较大的客观因素。 三是重视外围环境因素对中国跨越“中等收入陷阱”的影响,作为世界最大的发展中国家和第二大经济体,对世界的经济结构和分工都构成一个主要的变量,中国的跨越也将根本影响国际地缘政治格局和世界金融体系,因此对国际环境因素分析和对策研究是必须要考虑的问题。 四是将风险、偏好与信息不对称因素引入到寻租行为的数理分析中,较好的解释了经济转型中寻租现象,并且为如何治理寻租行为和评价遏制寻租活动的措施提供了依据。 通过对中国跨越中等收入陷阱问题的研究,可以发现,中国面临中等收入陷阱的实质是发展转型陷阱。对于跨越中等收入陷阱门槛的判断,收入水平只是一个参考的量化标准。与之对应的是中国经济的切实面临发展转型的瓶颈,主要是在对外开放上,在传统的劳动力密集的出口导向型发展战略集中遭遇劳动力供给瓶颈、自然资源瓶颈和贸易壁垒的挑战;在对内改革上,政府主导的投资拉动模式的边际效应递减、行政化对市场化配置资源的挤出导致的各种矛盾也日益尖锐。资源和环境的双重约束,内部和外部的共同挑战都要求中国经济的发展模式进行根本的调整。否则,即便是在数量指标上得以进入高收入的门槛,但原有的增长模式和发展路径不可持续,必然反复。 中国要跨越中等收入陷阱,实现发展模式的转型,既要学习东亚等国家的经验,汲取拉美等国家的教训,又要结合自身的情况,从对外开放和内部改革两大方面探索产业创新、资源节约、环境友好、社会和谐的发展新路,其中的关键是政府职能的转变。 在新的发展模式中,一个错误的导向是将政府和市场对立起来,要么自我膨胀于现有制度在“国家干预经济”的指导下“集中力量办大事”的能力,继续扩大各级政府的财权和管理范围;要么借反思政府对经济的过度干预,强调“市场万能”,鼓吹一放就灵和全面的私有化。笔者通过分析认为,总结国内外的经验和实际,在新的以创新为导向的发展模式中,企业特别是民营企业是最活跃的因素。但政府不是不作为或少作为,而是将工作重点转向提供更多更好的公共服务和搭建制度环境。 需要指出的是,本文用了较大篇幅讨论中国跨越中等收入陷阱要面临的国际经济环境和对策,这是因为作为世界最大的发展中国家和第二大经济体,中国的经济规模大到对世界的经济结构和分工都构成一个主要的变量;中国的转型发展将根本影响国际地缘政治格局和世界金融体系,也需要国际地缘政治格局和世界金融体系的变革。
[Abstract]:2006, first proposed the concept of "middle income trap" of the world bank in the East Asian Renaissance > < report, the main description is that when a country's per capita income level in the medium, because the country could not change the mode of economic development, resulting in a lack of power of sustained economic growth, and economic development in the stagnation. The report pointed out that the widening income gap problem in East Asia, the smooth transformation affected the economic development of East Asia, so the warning to prevent the economy of East Asia into the "middle income trap".
In 2008, Chinese per capita GDP more than $3595, entered the upper middle income nations; aimed at the beginning of the target of US $11116 per capita in high-income countries. This corresponds to the end of 1970s since the Chinese economic policy framework, constitute the core of the whole development strategy of reform and opening-up, especially in determining the direction of reform the market economy, promote economic development has become the main function of the governments at all levels, the implementation of capital to promote exports and the export oriented development strategy of labor intensive products has become the driving engine of economic growth. However, the key elements of China promote rapid economic leap stage and low income of middle-income stage is happening transformation of government function reform is slow, the demographic dividend rapidly weakened, resources and environment have become increasingly prominent, which caused China may face from all walks of life to Attention to the "middle income trap". Therefore, it is necessary to make a systematic combing, especially on environment and development path from the perspective of other economies or into or avoid the middle-income trap do in-depth study, the formation of a clear understanding on the common problems and personality characteristics in the face of this Chinese the challenge to the middle-income trap is operational and put forward suggestions for China across.
This paper focuses on "what is the middle income trap, lessons and Inspiration of Latin American and East Asian countries, Chinese is facing the middle-income trap, how to cross the trap, across the middle-income trap strategy proposals. Specifically, a comprehensive system of combing various viewpoints around the middle income trap problem the two is the analysis. Through the combination of commonness and individuality is avoided to form the conclusion through the simple comparison of metaphysics. Main problems of the countries on the Middle Income Trap in different areas, different reasons, to take in the history of the formation of the path dependence under different measures of policy measures, the effect is also different. To further explore the historical background of Latin American system Japan and South Korea when policy differences, thinking China current international and domestic environment. It is a guide for the future, but Zhaomaohuahu. The results have often been Handan. Three is the analysis of economic and social environment and institutional factors on individual economic policies into the middle income trap this problem in the past. The economic conditions in the system arrangement is determined by the social, economic conditions and changes in the system itself is closely related to economic and social environment, is to discuss the factors of economic policy the most should be considered. Inoculation, the middle-income trap and sprout, produce outbreak and ablation has its specific social origin and background, which not only is related to economic and financial factors at home and abroad and the political system, as well as the historical and cultural causes, therefore both the internal fiscal policy, monetary policy, or foreign exchange rate and trade policies are not a panacea for economic policy echo what the books say, must consider the difference of the system and the environment. China model brings 30 years of development Their faces, to the transformation of development mode, and the development of economic globalization and low-carbon economy, also shows the future of human society and economic life picture. Therefore, the research and comparison of different countries in the face of the middle-income trap, or economic policy and institutional environment is the development of trap relationship, to clarify the macro policy ideas China the finding has positive significance to promote the micro subject in the future economic model.
In order to achieve the above purpose, the object of this study is focused on 3 aspects:
The first is what is the middle-income trap, the existence of the middle-income trap. The concept of "middle income trap", there are two kinds of understanding quite distinct from each other: one that the core of "middle income trap" is the level of per capita income, a large number of countries have confirmed that there is indeed a show in the statistics verify, at a particular stage of middle income, high growth economy showed a slowdown or even stagnation in the growth trend; another view is that the income distribution gap exists and is not a country into the necessary condition of "middle-income trap", the income level of every country must go through a medium income, this can not be called a trap, but the universal law of economic and social development. The modernization cannot trap mistakenly believe that the middle-income trap, not the structural problems of such unfair distribution at The problem of the total income level can not be regarded as the livelihood of the people, so it can not be cured.
The second is the research on the causes of the middle-income trap. The focus of both factors of economic structure, due to the mode of economic development, and political system of the short board. The analysis of the traditional growth attenuation, the demographic dividend disappeared, irrational income distribution, resource and environmental constraints increase, Chinese based on labor land, etc. comparative advantage based on the accelerated decay trend highlights, the comparative advantage theory has revealed the general guiding role on the stage of developing countries and the limitations of view; also objectively determine that Chinese fall into the "trap" the biggest threat, with power and capital, and its purpose not reform the old system, but to the development of the current status of the curing, the imbalance of social forces that led to the imbalance between the interests of national institutions and policies will have even These more acute assertions of the danger of kidnapping.
The third is to investigate how to avoid the middle-income trap and how to get out of the middle-income trap. Both learn from Japan and South Korea including fair and reasonable distribution of national income equality or social policy, science and technology innovation and leadership, free trade environment, and promote the formation of transition and economic growth with the dynamic structure of the middle income class, the social structure and political democratization restructuring and other measures, also pointed out that the factors have its special geopolitical environment and the development of Japan US alliance, and have a negative view of the impact of welfare measures on the labor market, but also with the actual combination of China about countermeasures.
This paper consists of 6 chapters. The first chapter mainly expounds the significance of this paper, and analysis of the status quo of relevant research at home and abroad; the second chapter mainly from the two aspects of the reform and opening to the outside world are China major problems facing the middle income trap, while highlighting the Chinese regional development imbalance of the problem; two the third chapter respectively from the perspective of models in Latin America and East Asia analysis of the different types of countries facing the middle income trap the experience and lessons of institutional factors which lead to two different results were summarized; the fourth chapter in the second chapter proposed, from the international division of China foreign reshape the competitive advantage, clear strategic thinking Chinese across the middle-income trap administrative reform and to promote the adjustment of government functions; the fifth chapter according to the strategy of Chinese across the middle-income trap, separately from the national The income increase, the reform of the land system and urbanization construction, and puts forward some concrete countermeasures in three aspects: inhibition of rent-seeking behavior in economic transition; the sixth chapter considers the Chinese as a developing country and the second largest economy in the world, in the process of crossing the middle-income trap of will affect the international geopolitical situation and the world financial system. Put forward the system countermeasures.
The innovation of this article is mainly embodied in four aspects:
One is the correlation analysis of public policy and institutional environment factors and analysis into the framework of the "middle income trap" problem, not only to expand the perspective of Middle Income Trap "and level, and the analysis of the general problem analysis and individual differences combined to create space.
The two is the "middle income trap" in the general China analysis and combination of the actual situation, not a simple list of the so-called "experience" from all over the world, but pays attention to the reasons behind the differences these experiences and lessons of history environment and system. The analysis of China is around the reform and opening up two major themes. Considering the objective factors China regional differences.
Three is the influence of external environment factors on the Chinese across the "middle income trap", as a developing country and the second largest economy in the world, constitutes a major variable of economic structure and the division of the world, Chinese across will fundamentally affect the international geopolitical pattern and the world financial system, so the international environment factor analysis and countermeasure research is to consider the issue.
The four is the introduction of risk, preference and information asymmetry to the mathematical analysis of rent seeking behavior, which explains the phenomenon of rent seeking in economic transformation better, and provides a basis for how to control rent seeking behavior and evaluate measures to curb rent seeking activities.
Through the study of China across the middle income trap can be found, Chinese faced substantial middle income trap is a trap. For development and transformation across the Middle Income Trap threshold judgment, the income level is only a reference quantification standard. The corresponding is China economic and bottlenecks of development transformation, mainly in the opening, in the traditional labor-intensive export-oriented development strategy concentrated encounter bottleneck of labor supply, natural resource bottlenecks and barriers to trade challenges; in internal reform, the government led investment pull effect of dynamic model of marginal decline, various contradictions in the administration of extrusion on the market allocation of resources has become increasingly sharp. The constraints of resources and environment, the common challenges of internal and external demands of economic development mode Chinese radical adjustment. Otherwise, even in number The index is able to enter the threshold of high income, but the original growth mode and development path are not sustainable and must be repeated.
China to cross the middle income trap, to realize the transformation of development mode, it is necessary to learn the experience of other countries in East Asia, Latin America and other countries to draw lessons, but also with their own situation, explore the industry innovation, from the opening and reform within the two aspects of resource saving, environment friendly, develop new way of social harmony, the the key is the transformation of government functions.
In the new development model, a false guide is the government and the market in opposition, or self expansion to the existing system in "state intervention in the economy under the guidance of" concentrating power capacity, continue to expand the scope of management at all levels of government and property rights; or by the reflection of excessive government intervention in the economy. Stressed that "the universal market", advocating a place on the spirit and comprehensive privatization. The author believes that through the analysis summarizes the domestic and foreign experience and practice, in the new innovation oriented development mode, enterprises especially private enterprises are the most active factors. But the government is not as not as or less, but the focus of work to provide more and better public services and build the system environment.
It is necessary to point out that the large part to discuss Chinese to cross the Middle Income Trap facing international economic environment and the countermeasures, this is because as a developing country and the second largest economy in the world, Chinese economies of scale to constitute a major variable of economic structure and the division of the world; the transformation and development of the China the fundamental influence of international geopolitical pattern and the world financial system.



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