本文关键词:杠杆转移与结构改革:美国去杠杆的经验与启示 出处:《求索》2017年03期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:After the international financial crisis, the United States is the most successful country in the process of deleveraging in the world, and its "leverage transfer" is the core of the deleveraging strategy. The key to the success of deleveraging is to push forward the economic structural reform synchronously. On the basis of strictly defining the relationship between the government and the market, scientifically evaluating the ability of the government to bear, and insisting on the way of market-oriented rescue. The government is the first to leverage residents and businesses to avoid a recession caused by a rapid contraction of debt, to grasp the relationship between temporary measures and long-term policies, and to stimulate economic vitality with structural reforms. After the economic recovery, we can start the government deleveraging and finally achieve higher level of economic growth. Although the environment and challenges of deleveraging in our country are different from those in the United States, the measures, the emphasis, and the intensity are not the same. However, the general strategy and basic principles of deleveraging in the United States can be used for reference. At present, China needs to effectively reduce the debt level of enterprises and governments, focus on improving labor productivity, and speed up the reform of the investment and financing system and the state-owned assets of state-owned enterprises.
【作者单位】: 北京语言大学商学院;
【正文快照】: 一引言 在供给侧结构性改革“三去一降一补”重点任务中,去杠杆是个“硬骨头”。相比去产能、去库存、降成本、补短板而言,去杠杆的路线图和时间表仍未明确,有关“去谁的”“去什么”“怎么去”等基本问题也还未完全形成共识。现实情况是,我国经济杠杆率已经明显偏高,金融经
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