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发布时间:2018-02-27 19:04

  本文关键词: 研发 规模经济 动态比较优势 外向型经济发展方式 出处:《武汉大学》2014年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:本文以转变中国外向型经济发展方式为主题,建立了一个内生的比较优势分析框架,探讨发展中国家差异化高技术产品的研发活动能否发挥规模经济以提高产品的国际竞争力;探讨研发活动能否激励并加速发展中国家的人力资本积累,改善要素禀赋结构,从而使得发展中国家在经济发展过程中实现外向型经济发展方式的转变。本文认为,一个国家的外向型经济发展方式是指该国在世界分工格局中的地位以及由此决定的国际贸易模式。外向型经济发展方式的转变是指一国在经济发展过程中构建激励企业研发的制度安排,通过增强研发引致人力资本积累以改善要素禀赋结构,在研发活动中培养自主创新能力,实现比较优势的动态升级和外贸产业结构的优化。 本文所构建的理论模型将差异化高技术产品的研发与生产活动作为一个整体,从而使得研发活动能够产生规模经济效应,其原理为产品的研发需要一个较高的初始成本,而一旦研发成功,研发成果的生产就只需要一个不变的边际成本。因此,产品的平均成本就不再是一个常数,而是一个随着产量的增加而递减的函数,这就体现了规模经济效应。从产品需求的角度分析,假如一个发展中国家的人口总规模大于发达国家的人口总规模,那么对于差异化高技术产品而言,发展中国家的国内市场规模更大。如果存在贸易成本,本地市场效应使得发展中国家的企业可以在更大程度上发挥规模经济,从而提高产品的国际竞争力。 本文的模型推导显示,人力资本存量作为经济的一个内生变量,研发活动的增强会增加对人力资本的需求,提高人力资本的工资水平。虽然个人的最优教育时间与人力资本的工资水平没有关系,但是人力资本工资的提高必然会增加个人作为熟练劳动力就业所能获得的终生收入的贴现值,这将提高经济中选择接受教育并作为熟练劳动力就业的人口比例,从而加速人力资本积累,改善发展中国家的要素禀赋结构,使得发展中国家的比较优势和产业结构在要素禀赋结构的改善中获得动态改进。 转变发展中国家外向型经济发展方式,最重要的就是在研发活动中边干边学,培养自主创新能力。发展中国家的人力资本存量是其培养自主创新能力的基础条件,但是自主创新能力的培养更为重要的是需要发展中国家的企业在发挥技术后发优势的基础上持续地进行研发活动,在研发活动中边干边学、不断地积累经验,培养自主创新能力。在贸易成本普遍存在的情况下,本地市场效应可以让发展中国家的企业优先获得规模庞大的国内市场,使得企业的研发成果可以获得稳定的商业回报。在稳定的利润流支持下,企业才会源源不断地从事研发活动,在研发活动中边干边学,培养企业的自主创新能力。 在理论分析的基础上,本文构建了一个动态面板数据模型,从经验上分析研发活动、规模经济以及人力资本对比较优势动态变化的影响,模型的差分矩估计结果证实了本文的理论分析。由于在转变发展中国家外向型经济发展方式的过程中,最为重要的就是培养自主创新能力。因此,基于发展中国家自主创新能力培养的理论分析,本文另外构建了一个动态面板数据模型。模型分析结果显示,当进口的资本品进入研发部门,与国内研发活动相互配合,不仅可以提高国内研发效率,而且研发人员可以通过研发活动边干边学、不断积累人力资本,从而逐渐培养发展中国家的自主创新能力。
[Abstract]:Based on the transformation of China export-oriented economic development mode as the theme, set up an endogenous comparative advantage analysis framework, explore the developing differentiated products of high technology research and development activities can play a scale economy in order to improve the international competitiveness of products; study of the research and development activities can encourage and accelerate the developing of human capital accumulation, improve endowment structure, thus the developing countries to realize the transformation of export-oriented economic development mode in the process of economic development. This paper argues that the development of export-oriented economy of a country refers to the country's position in the world division of labor and the decision of the international trade pattern. Change the export-oriented economic development mode is refers to a country to construct the incentive system arrangement of enterprise development in the process of economic development, by strengthening R & D caused by the accumulation of human capital to improve the structure of factor endowment, in In R & D activities, we should cultivate the ability of independent innovation, realize the dynamic upgrading of comparative advantage and optimize the structure of foreign trade industry.
The theoretical model of this paper will research and production activities of differentiated products of high technology as a whole, so that R & D activities can produce economies of scale, the initial cost for the principle of product development requires a higher, once the successful development of R & D results of production requires a constant marginal cost. Therefore, the average cost of the product is no longer a constant, but a decrease with the increase of production function, which reflects the effect of scale economy. From the analysis of product demand point of view, if a total size of the development Chinese home population is greater than the total size of the population of developed countries, so for the difference high technology products, developing the domestic market on a larger scale. If trade costs, the local market effect makes the enterprises of developing countries can play a scale to a large extent To improve the international competitiveness of products.
This model shows that the stock of human capital as an endogenous variable in the economic activities, strengthen the research and development will increase the demand for human capital, human capital raising wages. Although the optimal time education and human capital individual wages Never mind wage increase, but the human capital will increase the individual as a discount skilled labor employment can obtain lifetime income value, which will improve the economy in choosing education and as proportion of skilled labor employment, thus accelerating the accumulation of human capital, improve the structure of factor endowment development China home, get the dynamic improvement in factor endowment structure improvement in the comparative advantage and industrial structure of developing countries.
The development of export-oriented economy in developing countries, is the most important in the research and development activities in learning by doing, the cultivation of independent innovation capacity of developing countries. Human capital is the basic conditions for the cultivation of innovation ability, but the cultivation of innovation ability is more important is the R & D activities continuously basic needs of the developing countries enterprise advantage in the play, in R & D activities of learning by doing, continue to accumulate experience, cultivate the ability of independent innovation. The widespread trade cost, local market effect can make the enterprises of developing countries preferential access to large domestic market, makes the enterprise R & D results can obtain a stable business in return. A steady flow of profits under the support of enterprises will Everfount engaged in research and development activities in R & D activities of learning by doing, cultivate the enterprise's self Main innovation ability.
On the basis of theoretical analysis, this paper constructs a dynamic panel data model, analysis of research and development activities from the experience and effect of scale economy and human capital on the dynamic comparative advantage model, differential moment estimation results confirm the theoretical analysis of this paper. Because the process of export-oriented economic development in developing countries in turn and most important is to cultivate the ability of independent innovation. Therefore, analysis of the cultivation of the ability of independent innovation based on the theory of developing countries, this paper also constructs a dynamic panel data model. The analysis results of the model show that, when the import of capital goods into the R & D department, cooperate with the domestic research and development activities, not only can improve the efficiency of domestic research and development. R & D personnel through learning by doing, the accumulation of human capital, and gradually cultivate the independent innovation capacity of developing countries.



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