本文关键词: 环境效率 SFA 非期望产出SBM β趋同 Tobit 耦合度 剪刀差 出处:《辽宁师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:经济的较快发展及环境问题的日益突出,使得环境经济发展已经成为研究热点。寻求环境与经济的可持续发展,已经成为当代人追求的永恒主题。环境效率的研究有助于在当前生产力水平及生态承载力不足的条件下,实现经济的健康发展,是环境经济协调发展的必然要求。辽宁省长久的重工业与资源型经济的发展及区域性的生态破坏与流动性的环境污染带来了一系列突出的环境问题,环境问题已经成为辽宁省发展的瓶颈。本文以辽宁省环境经济为研究对象,测算了环境效率,并评价了环境经济协调发展状况。研究不仅为制定环境经济可持续发展政策提供依据,同时将对其他省份及全国经济环境发展起重大启示作用。 本文以可持续发展理论、协同理论及环境经济学等为基本指导思想,详细陈述了辽宁省环境与经济发展现状,对辽宁省的环境与经济发展着重从环境经济效率与协调发展评价两方面进行研究。 1.从研究辽宁省环境经济发展的背景及意义入手,,详细论述了环境经济效率与协调发展评价的国内外研究现状。在参考相关的理论基础上,提出论文的研究方法、阐述了研究内容等。 2.介绍辽宁省生态环境与社会经济发展现状,对比全国的发展水平,揭示环境经济发展不均衡现状。 3.明确环境效率的概念,介绍效率的各个研究模型及应用领域,对比模型的优缺点。筛选适合本研究的模型:随机前沿模型与数据包络模型。选取“三废”排放、劳动力投入、固定资本存量及国民经济产值为投入产出指标。 4.利用SFA与DEA模型,在考虑环境影响将环境因素纳入效率研究,对辽宁省环境经济效率做实证分析。产出弹性分析了三废排放、固定资本存量及劳动力投入对国民经济产值的影响程度;相对效率与绝对效率进行空间ARCGIS分析,并采用变异系数、基尼系数与β趋同揭示环境经济效率发展过程及趋势;利用Tobit回归分析环境效率影响因素。 5.在发现环境效率差异较大的研究基础上,对辽宁省整体环境经济协调发展状况作出评价。应用耦合度与剪刀差模型,展示环境系统与经济系统发展过程并做协调发展状况评价。 6.总结辽宁省环境经济效率与其协调发展评价存在的问题,并根据研究结果提出相关的对策。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economy and the increasingly prominent environmental problems, the development of environmental economy has become a research hotspot. The research of environmental efficiency is helpful to realize the healthy development of economy under the condition that the current productivity level and ecological carrying capacity are insufficient. Liaoning Province's long-term development of heavy industry and resource-based economy and regional ecological destruction and mobile environmental pollution has brought a series of outstanding environmental problems. Environmental problems have become the bottleneck of Liaoning Province's development. This paper takes Liaoning Province's environmental economy as the research object and calculates the environmental efficiency. The study not only provides the basis for making the policy of sustainable development of environment and economy, but also plays an important role in enlightening the economic environment development of other provinces and the whole country. Based on the theory of sustainable development, synergy theory and environmental economics, the present situation of environment and economic development in Liaoning Province is described in detail in this paper. The environmental and economic development of Liaoning Province is studied from two aspects: environmental economic efficiency and coordinated development evaluation. 1. Starting with the background and significance of the development of environmental economy in Liaoning Province, this paper discusses in detail the domestic and foreign research status of environmental economic efficiency and coordinated development evaluation. On the basis of the relevant theories, the paper puts forward the research methods of this paper. The research contents and so on are expounded. 2.Introduces the present situation of ecological environment and social economy development in Liaoning Province, compares the development level of the whole country, and reveals the unbalanced development situation of environment and economy. 3. Make clear the concept of environmental efficiency, introduce each research model and application field of efficiency, compare the advantages and disadvantages of the model. Select the model suitable for this study: random frontier model and data envelopment model. Select "three wastes" emissions, labor input, Fixed capital stock and national economic output value are input-output indicators. 4.Using SFA and DEA model, taking environmental factors into consideration, the paper makes an empirical analysis on the environmental and economic efficiency of Liaoning Province. The output elasticity is used to analyze the emission of three wastes. The influence of fixed capital stock and labor input on the output value of national economy, relative efficiency and absolute efficiency were analyzed by spatial ARCGIS, and the variation coefficient, Gini coefficient and 尾 convergence revealed the development process and trend of environmental economic efficiency. Tobit regression analysis was used to analyze the influencing factors of environmental efficiency. 5. On the basis of the research on the difference of environmental efficiency, the paper evaluates the harmonious development of environment and economy in Liaoning Province, and applies the model of coupling degree and scissors difference. Show the development process of environmental system and economic system and evaluate the status of coordinated development. 6. The problems existing in the evaluation of environmental and economic efficiency and its coordinated development in Liaoning Province are summarized, and the relevant countermeasures are put forward according to the results of the research.
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