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发布时间:2018-03-19 20:35

  本文选题:NKPC 切入点:通胀 出处:《首都经济贸易大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Inflation is related to the harmonious and healthy development of the national economy. New Keynesian Phillips Curve (NKPC) model has been the main theory and method to study inflation. In recent years, economic globalization and financial integration have made international capital flow faster. Under these complex conditions, this paper attempts to study the following two questions: 1) whether the original model is still suitable for the current situation in China. How to establish a new NKPC model to make it fit? firstly, using two popular NKPC models in China, this paper makes an empirical study on Chinese data by using generalized moment estimator (GMM) and maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), respectively. It is found that hybrid NKPC is more in line with the actual situation in China than the prospective one. However, the conclusions of the two estimation methods are contradictory. In order to solve this contradiction, the structure of NKPC should be improved. Secondly, the monetary volume is extended to the framework of the new Keynesian model, but the analysis shows that the impact of the output gap on inflation is positive first and negative. This is not consistent with theory and intuition. This means that either the structure of the NKPC curve in the model or the method for estimating the parameters of the curve is problematic, so it needs further study. In this paper, Obersfeld Rogoff's two-country model is simplified, and a NKPC econometric model which can reflect the change of external environment is derived. The empirical analysis of the quarterly data from 1996 to 2016 shows that the goodness of fit is generally improved. Variables significantly enhanced the results of GMM and LM estimates with good consistency with inflation expectations. Inflation inertia and output gap have a significant impact on inflation) the change of external environment (foreign GDP gap) has obvious effect on the change of domestic inflation. Finally, the conclusion and suggestion. Sensitive to the impact changes in the external environment, The external environmental factors should be taken into account when characterizing the law of inflation, and this influence should also be fully considered in the adjustment of supply-side structure.


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